
Shit. You're right. But that can be blamed on George Lucas.

Reading all the jokes about Lobot, I realized something. Lobot demonstrates why the first trilogy was such a success and the prequels were so horrible. Here's a character with a few minutes of screentime who is still interesting enough that 30 years later, his picture is enough to get people talking. Can you think of

One of my best friends is like 8 years older. When we met in college, he had spent 8 years in the Marines and was on his second year in the reserves, The age differences didn't seem like a big deal.

As a teacher, I lost it when Krampus sang that 80% of kids grow up to be dirtbags.

Replace "buckets" with "junkies"

I watch a lot of TV, but Arrow is the only show I watch the night it airs. I just can't wait for that next episode.

The face Grant makes when his bodyguard starts singing along is always hilarious to me.

Yeah, an no fancy sets, either. I want to pay for everything a la carte.

It does serve as a their idea of a big night out! I've seen it. I've heard people talking about a big night out to Olive Garden, and this particular Olive Garden was 2 hours away.

I'm not even a great cook and that's how I feel about most restaurants. I can cook better spaghetti than the Olive Garden at home.

You're missing out on some killer biscuits at the Red Lobster.

Is this where we sing the praises of AdBlock? Man, I honestly don't understand why everyone doesn't use it. Especially on sites that use huge banners like this one.

The Champs with Neal Brennan and Moshe Kasher!

Hey now! Diggle was very clear when he signed on that he was not a sidekick.

I'd actually say its the reverse. In my experience with other actors, really nice people have an easier time identifying what makes someone evil and menacing. An actor who's a little bit of a jerk already doesn't have that sort of perceptiveness and usually, when given a villainous role, come across like they're

"And mine."

In fairness, I notice that philosophy is scarily prevalent in all tech design these days. If it doesn't work, its not the designer or the programmer's fault, but the user.

How is this not the top comment when you sort by best? Right now it shows 951 upvotes and 21 downvotes for a net of 930 likes, yet it shows up way further down than it should.

So I went to the DS9 page, and the first thing that shows up is a review for an episode of Parks and Rec, followed shortly by the obituary of Cory Monteith. I thought I should tell someone.

Straining my eyes out. I ain't having this.