
In fairness, most religions think Alvis' love of liquor and guns and revenge was creepy.


I'm afraid you've posted this comment to Slate. At least, I think it's slate. I mean, it sure looks like the industry benchmark that is Slate.

Ummm,…. Feast of Alvis?

I live abroad and I support this message.

If it was such an issue, why not make a mobile version of the site and keep the regular version? Or let people switch to the version they prefer best? As is, this version is horrible on my laptop. Why is the AV Club trying to copy Slate?

Seriously, Telly is the worst. He just ruins whatever segment he gets thrown in.

In fairness, Matt Yglasias is pretty dumb. Perhaps the worst of the Slate writers, and that's saying something.

I'm sure there's been a smothering or two.