It is a show centered around an Italian-American mob boss. Where were all of the complex black characters supposed to fit in?
It is a show centered around an Italian-American mob boss. Where were all of the complex black characters supposed to fit in?
Probably a Goodfellas allusion. "Two n***ers just stole my truck!"
This is awesum! I just started watchin Dexter and I already luv it sooooo much! His wife seems sooooo nice! And the asian guy is really funny!
"Dexter is as good as anything that's ever been on HBO!" -President of Showtime
It's only in its first season. Don't worry, there's still plenty of time for Showtime to ruin it.
Dexter has the worst cast on TV.
Not to mention plot twists every fifteen minutes!
This is the only show that I watch out of habit instead of a desire to actually see another episode. I wish they had done something other than just make the biggest movie star in the cast the new lead, but obviously there's no incentive to deliver creative storylines when you have dipshits like me tuning in every week…
Boo! More rape jokes!
I kind of see him as both a serial rapist and a serial murderer.
Clearly Morrissey is familiar with The Sopranos. "If your enemy comes into possession of your nail or your hair clippings, they can make the evil of you."
The voiceover narration is the most consistently terrible aspect of Dexter, I think. It would be a more interesting show without it - you know, having to piece things together rather than being explicitly told. But this is Showtime we're talking about.
You've missed out on some truly excellent movies if last night's episode of Community was the only acting you've ever seen Luis Guzman do.
Wait, I don't understand. She gets more out of Community than other people watching Community because she can mouth the words to a song that's like twenty seconds long?
Not to mention its sequel, Sliced Bread 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Just get the janitor to clean it first. Apparently he knows how to.
Because neither of those things were very funny.
Is the Leslie/Ben thing like nails on a chalkboard to anyone else or is it just me? I can't wait until they get married at Niagra Falls and have a daughter. That'll make for some damn fine comedy!
Probably that you're a bitch.
I can think of plenty endings to Parks & Rec episodes that were sappy, the first being Ron's birthday. They may not use multiple voiceovers, but they frequently cap off the episode with a voiceover from Leslie that just turns out to be a talking head segment, which is pretty much the same thing.