For people who "don't give 2 flying fucks," they sure do spend a lot of time and energy lampooning politics and forcing their messages down their audience's collective throat.
For people who "don't give 2 flying fucks," they sure do spend a lot of time and energy lampooning politics and forcing their messages down their audience's collective throat.
So she's old enough to have maybe actually given you the name Bucky Calloway?
I don't eat donuts or hamburgers or any other food that has approval of the masses.
Meh, for an old school mobster who just spent twenty years in prison and then finds out this cousin's husband is gay, Phil's reaction never seemed ridiculous to me. Violently intolerant, sure, but certainly not beyond the realm of possibility.
It's a joke. Come on, guys, it's okay, it's just a fucking joke.
That's how you know you've really made it though, isn't it, when you've ended up on The Soup?
Nah, trust me, it's like taking a shit.
Sorry, it wasn't my intention to sound like an asshole, but now I've squeezed out a few fart jokes, so it was worth it.
No shit, Sherlock.
Well, that's life, sconn, one minute you're on top of the world, the next some secretary is running you over with a lawn mower.
Her monologue is least funny thing I've ever seen, and my dad hung himself in front of me whilst masturbating.
Everyone in my anarchy organization has one of those!
Put down the mimosa… bitch!
Oh, man. I haven't listened to these albums since high school. I think that listening to them now would just bring about a nauseating amount of nostalgia. They are excellent, though. Definitely worth listening to if you have no bullshit memories attached to them.
Let's go, these paps aren't going to smear themselves.
I can get behind that. Literally.
Where is your God now, Shirley, huh? WHERE IS HE NOW?!
Which is, of course, actually a minus.
For the record, there was an episode of Happy Days where a guy LITERALLY jumped over a shark. And it was the best one.
Thanks for bringing us home.