
Side question: Which episode featured the Wu-Tang Clan? Because that was most certainly not the Wu-Tang Clan, it was the RZA and some non-Clan lackies. God, that bothered me. Like it does when movies/shows will have a video game being played on a TV screen within the scene, but they're using the wrong controller or

Hank is an all-time great character, but I do not feel the same way about Artie, a character that I just didn't find to be funny. It's an impressive series, and it's probably the most spiteful one of all-time (which is certainly something worth celebrating), but I was only born in 1990, so most of the "meta" stuff, of

Sunny is actually very much like Seinfeld on crack. But Sons is nothing like Seinfeld, I will give you that.

I wonder how much AMC is regretting their decision to renew The Killing for a second season. Consulting the Wika-pee-die-ah didn't net any information regarding said second season - I wonder if they're hoping we'll all just forget about it and they'll never have to produce it?

Or the scene in The Wire where Omar and his man are watching Oz. Crossover appeal!

It's almost like Ben Affleck is directing this series. It's gritty, it's competent, there's a lot of violence, but it's just also not that great.

I just wish that I had watched it when it was on HBO. I loved going through the series on Netflix, but I can't imagine doing it again - too many of the jokes are just too dated.

It means that he has made five films and that all five of them were great. I mean, I don't watch baseball, but even I know what that means.

It is when it makes for better movies, as it has with PTA. I do agree that confidence is not always a good thing, though - Scorsese is a pretty good example of that.

I feel like you must have stolen this argument outright from a film critic. That has to be one of the most derivative comments ever.

How contrarian of you! Armond White would be proud.

They've handed out plenty of awards to people and films that deserved them.

Hard Eight actually seemed like the longest (well, slowest) of his films when I was watching it. I'm surprised to see someone say that it's their favorite of his five films, considering the fact that the other four are so obviously more accomplished and confident. That's like saying Who's That Knocking at My Door is

Holy hell, I cannot wait to see this. I wasn't crazy about Hard Eight, but the four PTA films that followed are all among my favorites.

And I'm sure all of the morons who comment on IGN's articles disagreed with the notion that this season has been anything but excellent.

"Don't worry, guys. We've lined up a lot of great actors for next season: Jason Biggs, Ludacris, and Christopher Meloni!" -Scott Buck

It's 2011 - revealing that a character was dead the entire time is so played out that it shouldn't even be called a "twist," it should just be called "shitty writing."

David Simon has said that he only wanted to throw that out for a second and not make it a big point like every other show would.

I've only seen one film in IMAX, and it was The Dark Knight. It was mostly a coincidence that I was close to one, though, because the nearest IMAX theater is about four and a half hours from where I live. Is it going to be worth it to make the drive just to see Rises? Fuck, I think it might be.

Schmaltz. Excellent word.