Sounds like some deep shit.
Sounds like some deep shit.
My favorite time to smoke? Thanskgiving, dude. Just go into your shower, dude. Take a little private bowl, dude.
I recently rewatched the first season of 24 on Netflix, which was a huge mistake, but I used to be a big fan and I wondered how it would hold up. I won't be watching any other seasons. Anyway, the storyline involving Jack Bauer's daughter is absolutely terrible (and involves Stockholm Syndrome). Anyone know what I'm…
Leave it to NBC to add this kind of bullshit to EVERY SINGLE SHOW OF THEIRS (aside from Seinfeld, of course).
If what has happened on The Office is any indication, then I have a feeling we'll continue to see more of those types of storylines on P&R.
I hope they continue to drag out the Leslie/Ben thing because, I don't know about you guys, but I can't watch a TV comedy anymore unless the writers shoehorn in a bunch of sentimental bullshit.
That's actually how the characters are named in scripts: Character A, Character B, best friend of Character A, Asian Character, Black Character, Old Man, helpless female characters, child.
You don't like the way I speak, daddy?
Yeah, that scene was awful, BUT IT WAS SHOT SO BEAUTIFULLY.
The cold open was brutal.
Fuck HBO for the limp-dick cocksuckers they are.
Your initial reaction to Firefly's theme song was the appropriate one to have; that song is terrible. The show itself is pretty good, definitely not worthy of the 9.4 it has on IMDb, but it's solid enough.
The theme music for Curb fits that show more beautifully than any other theme music for any other show. It never fails to make me smile.
O&R is a masterpiece.
Powerful thrusts.
Rosie O'Donnell is my favorite celebrity guest on Curb Your Enthusiasm. She's always hilarious with LD.
This guy sounds like a real pillow-biter.
I don't think that you know what "underrated" means.
Speaking of Breaking Bad's Facebook page, does anyone know when the new season starts?