
that was neither funny nor scientifically accurate.

movies would be way better if they just conformed to the expectations of schmucks and schmoes.

Boof Bonser

I really connected with the characters in the books, but I fear they're just going to be fucking obnoxious on screen. Fox will probably play up the angsty dramatic parts and scale back on the actual magic.

Hot Tub Time Machine got the images right? They got everything from the "over-priced shit that looks like it's from the '80s" collection at Urban Outfitters. There was nothing authentic about it. Not that a movie called Hot Tub Time Machine needs to shoot for verisimilitude. I actually enjoyed the shit out of it.

still not what a curator does, bro.

If you don't like a-MEER-ica, you can just take your fancy single-apostrophe quotation marks and GIT OUTTA 'ERE!

You shouldn't make young kids learn subjects that are deemed "more important." You should make them learn subjects that will make them want to learn more. I think that's the value of history education. I've never finished a math lesson and said, "Oh, man, now I really want to find out about these matrices." But

people need to stop using the word "curated" when they mean "organized."

sign o' the times, man.

a magazine that abruptly changes its target demographic and content but retains its writers and name? Has that ever happened?

I couldn't finish watching it. You'd think people would stop using that same god damned "this movie is very uplifting and dramatic" song in every god damned trailer, but they don't. They just god damned don't.

I think everybody's hometown is known for heavy drinking.

my childhood is officially over. RIP.

I'm all about some solo Frank Black. Honeycomb is incredibly solid. I wonder if the lack of appeal has to do with how prolific he's been. It's kind of hard to keep up, especially when he changes his name from time to time. Also, his solo work lacks Kim Deal, which, to some, is kind of a "deal" breaker. (I had to!)

definitely with you on Hot Chip. Maybe HC appeals to people who think they're hip enough to dance once in a while but are grounded enough to know they look ridiculous, while LCD appeals to people who think they're hip and don't think about much else. Or I could just be completely wrong. But I do know that I love Hot

most of the bands named in this article have just the right amount, if not too much, notoriety. That Vulgar Boatmen song almost seems purposefully bad. And Floor is as good as QOTSA? geddahfughaddaheeeeah.

is tom petty good-looking?

I still would

but judging by that picture, it has 24-year-olds playing 35-year-olds. Can't have any gross old people on MTV.