Prison Wine

::slips on banana peel::

"What the hell is that?"

Will there be cocaine at this party, Ms. Randell? I don't go to parties unless I get a coke guarantee.

Get yer ass back in the kitchen!

You call yourself "The Lover," friend? Sounds like you're more of a predator.

Oh sweet Christ, ZMF. That is some funny shit.

I'm just fucking thrilled to hear that Scott Aukerman is alive.

Cut the shit, phel. Or are you afraid of everyone knowing the ugly truth?

If it was a failed firstie I'd take my fuckin' medicine, you chuckleheads.

Holy fucking shit that was not an attempted firstie.

The Baldwin/Fanning Showdown.
There can be only one.

I must ask you politely to please remove yourself from my airplane.

I liked it. Went on about half an hour too long, but I thought it was pretty solid overall.

I agree. It just struck me as absolutely, mind-numbingly boring.

Similar story.
I brought an alcoholic chick to a party, and I spilled a drop of beer on my pants, and she flipped out and punched this one dude in the chest so fucking hard that he flew into a piano, and then she left me alone in the woods, for some reason.

I'm literally angry with rage!

@ Existence:

Jesus fucking Christ, Caruso.

You've come a long way, baby.