Prison Wine

What if it's a suicide?
Do they suggest Elliott Smith?

You pussies quit talking about your girlfriends or I'm gonna find and fuck every last one of them.

::reluctantly sets lovemydog on fire::

MERLIN? This is the show with that Merlin character? The jockey? The little Hispanic jockey with the sash and the whip? The very character that torments my dreams like a mincing Freddy Krueger?

Sugartits, I love you, but your Faulkner hate is bringing me down.

At the risk of being cruel,
no one on Earth will mourn your passing, Mario Lopez. Well, maybe Dennis Haskins, who will outlive us all.

"Infected boil on the ass of humanity"

What do you prefer, Tina? Obama can be whatever you want him to be, baaaaaaaaby.

Multi-instrumentalist JPJ of Led Zeppelin fame.

you leave MC Skatt Katt the hell out of this.

Is this the official position of both Mr. King and Ms. Winfrey? Are you authorized to speak on their behalf?

Aw bummer! Double-pits to posty, brah!

What happened
to selling your soul to the Devil? Too old school?

What happened
to selling your soul to the Devil? Too old school?

Chick. In.
Oh, queen of the daytime airwaves
Bathing yourself in the sticky-friedness
Of faux-grilled foul flesh…
so many followed suit.

Jorge, you sound like quite the host.

E2p, what did I tell you about being wasteful? You know, there are starving children in Africa who would kill for those leftover Oreos. Hell, some poor sonofabitch a few comments up doesn't even know what a strawberry tastes like fer krissakes. FINISH YOUR OREOS.

Chick 1: OMG What are the two things women just LOOOOVE? Other than shoes, that is. ;)

Another Chocolate Choo Choo, Mr. Modell? Bwahahaha!

How else can we exploit the fat and depressed?
The pharmaceutical companies have anti-depressants supplements for people whose anti-depressants aren't working right, the Snuggie EXISTS, and now Dominos unveils a new carb-loaded artery slayer…