Prison Wine

I was really disappointed by the phrase "edible shame spiral."

What they didn't tell you is that the chef is also a rat.

I heard Scarlett was disappointed that you had to ask her what your motivation was.

Johanssen's movie=unwatchable.
Johanssen's music=unlistenable

Relatively new to Fringe, but it's hooked me. Nice to see it renewed.


oops. editing problem there.

King of the Hill was very good.
was lovely and very good.

Yeah, the nerdgasm was large. Great episode this week.


So, you know it's a fake, then? Tried to purchase it, did you?

Oh, give me a break Ellie. You just want to go ham with O'Neal. You don't give a damn and a half about what he writes. Admit it!

::rolls up sleeves::

Lady Disdain cannot die. We can only hope to contain her.

I like that you threw Outkast in there, because I totally agree with you on that one.

I agree, Riff Randell. Even the Best Boy gets a lifetime pass for that shit.

Ugh, Christ—I loved him in Life Aquatic. I thought he was excellent in that movie.

You're right, you know, about everything you've said.

For that matter, all the Kids in the Hall—yes, even Kevin McDonald—gets lifetime passes.

Agreed, Ellie. Bottle Rocket is tremendous.