Prison Wine

I liked DMB back in the day, but I don't consider them unassailable. They're great musicians, but they don't get a lifetime pass in my book.

Jimmy Page and Robert Plant

Oh my.
Oh, sweet Lord.

Cheek=dumb cooze.
I'm just saying.

Geek Love is awesome so far.
That's all, really. Can't wait to finish it.

::starts humming "War on war"::

::walks in the room; sees what's going on; walks right back out::

If you have no idea how to talk to women, just claim it's because you've got Asperger's. Sympathy bone=a bone all the same.

Mandrake, did you mean "some guy in a Denny's bathroom" when you said "anthropologists"?

I demand regular bowel movements. If chatting it up with Jamie Lee Curtis is the price I have to pay, then so be it.

@ Sugartits I can be in Houston in 4 hours.

We're all going to die.


I have cats and my father does not me. How fucked am I?

I told y'all this would happen. Remember when Jesus drove them demons in the pigs and they all ran into the water and drowned theyselves? Same sumbitchin thing.

I already bought all the gas masks and MREs from the local Army/Navy store. Guns, well I got some of them, too.

Nothing can save us, Jorge. We're all going to fucking die.

Too Midwestern is my guess, E.2.P. Don't you know that everyone in NYC is uniquely named and therefore interesting?

Couples, man.
They're the worst. Always hugging. Kissing in public and shit. Gushing over each other and just generally so fucking contented to have another human being give their life meaning.

You heard the man.