Prison Wine

Hey, he knew what he was signing up for.

I've got Hot to Trot on LaserDisc. Still sad? Didn't think so.

Do I have to explain this to you again, Amelie? Talking animals=funniest fucking thing in the world. End-o story.

@scotteb: i completely lost it when he said "Tim Tebow." and that damn wench from Texas coulda won if she'd only paid attention in high school.

I really like KINGS, and I was eager to see how (or if) the show would rediscover its voice after wavering for a few episodes. It's a shame seeing it cockslapped so unceremoniously.

That's some of the sweetest shit in the world, Miller.

I used to worship Kirk Hammett.
Then I realized I wasn't ever going to be that good. So I took to envying him instead.

She's busy comforting the Semitic Nazi, who's having a bit of an identity crisis.

"Maybe if she combed her hair."

Have you ever seen a drunk take a shit on a slide at your local park? Shit can be art, SNF, shit can be art.

Exactly. This trailer is a favor. You know what happens, so now you can spend your money on malt liquor and Red Hots instead of an hour and a half of preciousness.

Great, now I've got to call Liberty Medical! Fuckin' Cera…

That actually made my head ache and eyes water, Jorge.

Anyone have the first season? I'd be interested to hear if it holds up or not, because damn did I love that show.

4. Chang and his blue ox Babe wandered North America for years chopping down trees, until a Native American spirit stopped him by slapping Chang with a fish.

Nothing beats frat bathroom floor popcorn. Under the overpowering taste of shit and sick, its buttery goodness is second to none.

Why does something so awful exist as a treat? Is it some kind of trick, some kind of psychological weapon that will devastate the way you regard all candies afterward?

Perhaps Chang is a bit shy about his new facial growth. Maybe his beard "isn't where he wants it to be," or "not on the right level." Or, maybe they killed Chang and keep his stuffed corpse in the closet as a warning to any future IESs.

Ducks are hung like, well, ducks:

My guess is that one of the parents is a closet drunk.