
Hang in there Dik. This is a pretty sensitive subject for a lot of people, and with all those emotions around this subject (on the death announcement for a complete stranger for Chist's sake?) is easy for decorum to slip. But while we are on the subject I do have some perspective on it. Addiction has been a very big

It sounds like you already have, and that makes me…glice. I don't even know why I wake up in the morning.

I haven't watched this since it was in theaters, and you've got me contemplating having another go at it. The opening really stands out very vividly in my mind. I remember at the time the finale wiped me out completely after piling on so much baggage throughout. I felt light as a feather walking out of that screening.

Erik is either Guy Peirce form LA Confidential or 21st Century Clark Kent. Think about it.

The other one is the train from Unstoppable.

Kirk: "Wait, is he in the glass, space cell or are we? I can't tell." Cumberbatch (malevolently): "I'm in the cell!"

Thanks for bringing all those links over. I never would have seen this otherwise. It is absolutely fascinating.

With Tobias, Robinson, and now Koski departing that was a hard joke to make. Best wishes, Genevieve! We are all counting on you.

Excuse me, but in the video they say that this was Sean O'Neal's first taste test, when actually you had him taste the Pumpkin Pie Pinnacle vodka last fall. Now, do you expect me to believe that this is a different Sean O'Neal sampling another alcohol related popular culture morsel? I hope somebody got fired for that

"They are all real. Every. Single. One. I Checked. They are all real. Every. Single. One. I Checked.They are all real. Every. Single. One. I Checked.They are all real. Every. Single. One. I Checked.They are all real. Every. Single. One. I Checked.They are all real. Every. Single. One. I Checked.They are all real.

They told him it was Chicago on the line, but the call was really coming from inside the house!

Well. Part of me (the big giant heart part) really hopes the OP and @avclub-af7809fb474b9a36411cbdfc73757dcb:disqus land on their feet respectively. Another part is greatly moved by the fact they are able to speak about it so honestly, mutually responding to the same piece of popular culture and voicing those feelings

Which is both enlightening and kind of sad as both seem to try so hard to be unvarnished assholes


This is just delightful.

Good call. That one is off of the We Will Become Silhouettes EP and is terrific.

You have to use a European proxy to get the song uncut as Reggie intended it to be heard.

The beat sounds inspired (or outright sampled) from the orgy scene of Eyes Wide Shut. Anyone else hear it?

He was my Rushmore.

Only if his first guest is James Franco, and he conducts the interview from the same booth as the St. Vincent interview, and Franco is dressed up like Annie Clark, and hold on a second I have to go change my pants.