
This has been 'Nihilist in 40'! What will happen when the stormcloud, a gale, is made manifest in pages (fettered) during the fifteenandahalf-hour greasesick cabaret on a blackboard of putrid parquetry (unfettered)?! Will our anit-nothing be vindicated or will he/she be 'Dead in 50'? Tune in next time, believers!

Feel free to Bale anytime you want to.

He has been trolling these comments on multiple accounts since I've been reading the article but almost no one has reacted to him and his comments/accounts are perpetually deleted/banned. All in all there has been a lot of great discussion about this article.

There is an interview with PT Anderson where he talks about how The
Master was written all in minor notes, and I thought that perfectly summed
up the whole tone of the film. Watch it in as high of resolution as you can; the 65mm is stunning.

My big resolution for this year is to contribute in a significant way to my chosen media. I'm staring down a couple of festivals, and [hopefully] will make this the year I finally break into features.

This is the second mention of Ulysses far. I picked up my copy last month and will be gearing up for it around March. I guess what I am saying is that we should start a reading group and get through Ulysses together.

1. …c7-c5

Nathan Ford's Evil Twin - "dygitalninja is wrong."

Doug Jones! That is why The Gentleman are so fucking terrifying!

If memory serves me correct he was the DDI (Deputy Director Intelligence) of the CIA during Clear and Present Danger and the prick across the hallway was the DDO (Operations). In Rainbow Six Jack Ryan is the POTUS but only alluded to in a throwaway sentence.

After this doesn't do so great, they should look into trying to get Willem Dafoe to reprise his role as a near retired John Clarke. Rainbow Six really seems to be the only adaptable book in the Clancy catalogue for the kind of globetrotting hyper-tactical romps they seem to be wanting to make.

Woo! Upstream Color, Blancanieves, and 2001! Pretty solid lineup. I'll be going to at least a few of these.

I did get one good thing out of this song as it reminded me of one of my favorite movie moments of the past five years.

Exactly. I don't make a habit of up-and-up shitting on things I don't like, but the lyrics and particularly his delivery struck me as the worst kind of fake. Misplaced 'irony' for me is the absolute worst creative sin.

If he would have said 'I wish I was Hugh Laurie's House' then maybe this song would be a little less joyless than it is. It's like Dan Harmon's blog gained sentience and started a band.

I would say that these three movies were very much conceived around the idea of perpetual adolescence, and it is that shared theme which is the connective tissue; The Three Flavours Cornetto being a pretty funny riff on The Three Colours trilogy (another thematic trilogy). This last movie spends most of its runtime

This trilogy seems to be one of the rare exceptions where they save the minor note film for the last installment. The more I think about it, the more that seems to work thematically since the filmmakers seem to have a pretty clear grasp that living a life of arrested development tends to lead to disappointment and

Sold. I'll take two please.

It depends on the Newswire [or does it!?].

Giving rise to the saying: 'Parties. They're no party.'