
What I am clamoring for is a hand-drawn adaptation of Wicked in classic Disney fashion; something dark and soaring along the line of The Hunchback of Notre Dame… something like…

You can comment on these now?

That first album is an unqualified pop wonderland of awesome dance-worthy sound. It is a rare kind of music that I can use 'pop' as a proper adjective without it being a pejorative.

"You want direction? I'll give you direction! West!(?)"

I can take double whatever you can!!

I agree with everything you are saying. The first part with him leaping out of the tent with a grin and then her shoving the finnacky cat into the basket pretty much sunk any of my interest what they had to contribute to the material. At that point I was just in it for what visual references they were going to ape.

I thought being as big a city would be nice, but now the only place I can take a crap is in the Cotton Bowl.

That just about sums it up. I think we can all just take the rest of the afternoon off after this one.

How dare they betray the tone of the original and apply their very own form of whimsy! I love the fake out of the dog being shot in an adorable way instead of taking an arrow to the goddamn neck. It was the segment that best sold their take on the material.

She may be quirky enough to be into someone who is just a torso. Cover yourself in garbage and see where the night takes you.

*slide whistle*
P.S. never change

These early in the year posts always get overlooked come award season.

That sounded like a pig fainting

I don't think they started all three cameras at the same time so we probably saw their conversation in real time. I tried watching Conan's beer for continuity. I can only think that the 35mm is a kind of punchline to the seriousness of the feature. Good on them for being able to afford it. I could barely pick up on

I think it was shot on bonafide 35mm. It gives it that much more seriousness.

"He redeemed himself." - Ash in Fantastic Mr. Fox

In a panic I ran to my phone to check on my Springfield to find that mine too was reset. I was about half way through the tutorial when it finally let me sign into my Origin account and get back to my long labored over town. Then I found a french fry in my beard.

In a panic I ran to my phone to check on my Springfield to find that mine too was reset. I was about half way through the tutorial when it finally let me sign into my Origin account and get back to my long labored over town. Then I found a french fry in my beard.

I am going to go ahead an offer up my unsolicited opinion in this matter. For some reason a lot of these impassioned statements struck a strong enough nerve in me to write out this response. This isn't anything against this group of people specifically, but I think deriving strong identity cues from a highly specific

I am going to go ahead an offer up my unsolicited opinion in this matter. For some reason a lot of these impassioned statements struck a strong enough nerve in me to write out this response. This isn't anything against this group of people specifically, but I think deriving strong identity cues from a highly specific