
"yeah, yeah, sure"

"yeah, yeah, sure"

"I am not sure how this works up in Canada…. this means we're married now, right?"

"I am not sure how this works up in Canada…. this means we're married now, right?"

I knew what sword that was by sight as well, but I didn't associate that knowledge with me being some kind of nerd until just this moment when I read your post. You are truly history's greatest monster.

I knew what sword that was by sight as well, but I didn't associate that knowledge with me being some kind of nerd until just this moment when I read your post. You are truly history's greatest monster.

I liked the tone of The Hobbit much more than LOTR. You might be pleasantly surprised at how light it is when you go back to it. To be honest, you can probably knock it off over a weekend. I really do wish Guillermo del Toro would have stuck with doing The Hobbit. The movie would have been able to be more of a light

I liked the tone of The Hobbit much more than LOTR. You might be pleasantly surprised at how light it is when you go back to it. To be honest, you can probably knock it off over a weekend. I really do wish Guillermo del Toro would have stuck with doing The Hobbit. The movie would have been able to be more of a light

I am just going to assume you are not going to come back, so I'll try to answer my own question. If anyone else want to mess around with this subject it would be cool to have someone to bounce some ideas off of.

I am just going to assume you are not going to come back, so I'll try to answer my own question. If anyone else want to mess around with this subject it would be cool to have someone to bounce some ideas off of.

I won't do that any more than I already have. I am interested in finding out more about an individual who self-describes as an objectivist and an artist. I know very little about objectivism. I have only just started Atlas Shrugged as a way to familiarize myself with what the fundamental principles of objectivism. I

I won't do that any more than I already have. I am interested in finding out more about an individual who self-describes as an objectivist and an artist. I know very little about objectivism. I have only just started Atlas Shrugged as a way to familiarize myself with what the fundamental principles of objectivism. I

I am serious. I want to hear you out. I mean individually calling people parasites who are saying things that differ from your point of view comes off as a little insecure, but I'll look past that. Unless all this is part of your comedy. Then carry on… I guess.

I am serious. I want to hear you out. I mean individually calling people parasites who are saying things that differ from your point of view comes off as a little insecure, but I'll look past that. Unless all this is part of your comedy. Then carry on… I guess.

@avclub-110aa32714335391cccf9a0d0dde5d11:disqus , your posts come off to me completely as the product sane and balanced mind who has everything you deserve in life, no more and no less, and I often find myself in a situation where I tell myself. "I don't want this. This isn't me. I didn't even pay for this pair of

@avclub-110aa32714335391cccf9a0d0dde5d11:disqus , your posts come off to me completely as the product sane and balanced mind who has everything you deserve in life, no more and no less, and I often find myself in a situation where I tell myself. "I don't want this. This isn't me. I didn't even pay for this pair of

These two should be an example to us all. Their initial consternation could have cascaded into internet hatred so immense as to have threatened ALL HUMAN LIFE on this planet, but they were able to come together, as adults, and see through their initial differences and find common ground. Once a mutual respect was

These two should be an example to us all. Their initial consternation could have cascaded into internet hatred so immense as to have threatened ALL HUMAN LIFE on this planet, but they were able to come together, as adults, and see through their initial differences and find common ground. Once a mutual respect was

Maybe it is because I am not in an area where it is a big issue, but this meth ad seemed way out there when I first saw it.

Maybe it is because I am not in an area where it is a big issue, but this meth ad seemed way out there when I first saw it.