the ghost of Ignatius J. Reill

"I haven't watched an episode in years, it's just plain not funny

Easily the worst post I've seen on this site, because usually the crassly terrible ones are among the most enjoyable. You, Snidely, are a Mongloid.

It was more like you made a sex tape with that Dante guy, he of the lathered on tan and faux-homosexual lisp (and, most inexplicably, I believe he was a professor in one of the adverts).

Tonight was the first I've heard of or seen these trailers and I've watched them 4 or 5 times now, laughing like a madman the entire time and thinking, "This shit is hilarious!"

Agreed, that may be the saddest joke I ever laughed at, because it is funny, but terribly, terribly so.

Is that 'the Archmage of Aetherin' poster in the promo pic?

So first he severes his penis while trying to have sex with his reflection in a mirror, and now he's suffering "a serious throat condition"? Hmmmm, I'd bet the 2 are related….

I still listen to 'The First Single' quite often, it's close to a perfect power pop song.

the Wrens

I was also like, "fuck this guy, thanks for the spoiler cuz now I want to see it/wish I could see it" but then I read r gonzeles' (I did not capitalize your name in honor of your noble heritage) comment and thought, "Bloody hell, he's right." For the slow, after reading "you wouldn't watch it anyway" I only then knew

Cliffy, though the affluent womanizing protagonist-as-thinly-veiled-author is a tired and trite format (see: Roth, Philip), Ford pulls it off with aplomb. 'The Sportswriter' is an excellently written and compelling novel, and he even outdoes himself with the Pulitzer and PEN/Faulkner prize winning (only one other book

Also if anyone has any sweet recommendation for other games I'd love to hear them.

Just bought an GBA sp, Links Awakening and Oracle of the Ages. These comments may have inspired a few to make similar purchases, because Minnish Cap was 11 and 12 bucks last night and now the cheapest used ones are $27. Sigh. Someday.


Both of these charlatans have been good in one thing (Aziz: Human Giant; Eisenberg: Social Network), so I don't understand the love. I saw Aziz at SXSW this year and yelled at him, "Hey, look, it's that comedian bozo," which was alright because he was with a posse and thought he was going to have to annoyingly shrug

My God, Robutt, that was so awful, not one clown worth of comedy in all those points have been beaten down for 20 years and even immortalized by the greatest band in the world, Nerf Herder:

Quick note: the 7-Up series is far and away the greatest documentary of all time and it certainly suffers from similar human error and director/producer biases, yet it's so compelling this sort of thing is easier to overlook; regardless, it seems that a slant is inevitable.

@ the Shredder

'Annie Hall' dwarfs anything Brooks, and Allen doesn't get the girl.

Thanks for the link. It's rather refreshing to read an interview that was almost entirely about a novel/author instead of the usual hash of comedian/actor/musician/director, though the latter obviously applies. No second acts my ass, Fitzgerald!