the ghost of Ignatius J. Reill

sidoujec is completely right, watching that movie is akin to blowing my nose with a condom used in anal sex. Also, "Juno is a gritty slice of Romanian neo-realism" is an indomitable line, though I don't really know what it means outside of meaning Awesome.

I'd bet one of 'Ghost Guess,' 'I Get the Impression' or 'Fourchan' (all 3?) are this fat boner Kirkman typing up lame rebuttals/criticism with his right hand while sitting on his left, waiting for it to get numb so he can pretend an undead baGawk is choking the chicken he hasn't seen since he was 16.

First: Lanny McDonald has the greatest stache of all time, and Darren's looks like a concave upperlip over a caved in cocaine nose by comparison; as everyone knows, the Great Lanny's mustache scored the game-winning goal in Game 6 of Lord Stanleys Cup Finals, one of the finest moments in mustache history. Rumors that


That this pube-haired, cunt-mouthed little winkle married Topanga (my love!) is proof that God exists, and he mocks us like a waffle stuck to the ceiling.

I love how all you yuppy fucks are talking about how terrible the city is because of the economic downturn, as if money mattered that much for anybody outside of the vacant and spiritually bankrupt; blah blah blah, Fortune 500 companies, weiner-weiner-weiner trustfund white flight. Go to hell, you base, backwards

@ nolalover

What's with all the Franco hate? Overexposure and/or jealousy are hardly adequate reasons to throw someone under the bus as, dare I say it?, talented as Franco. Listen, the bottom line is the kid can fucking act, he's got the chops and he deserves everything he's getting. This isn't a Will Smith type career were

Letterman is the big one of that list; he's also the biggest dick: ergo, a correlation

Norm deserves better than this…

gotta say this article kicks sweet sweet ass because I've honestly never heard of the mother-murderer and "greatest drummer of all time" Jim Gordon, and his bizarre story is worth your 11 minutes and is here:

Fuck anyone who disparages the great Winwood; you poppycocked bastards have your ears so far stuck up your asses you can't appreciate the cultural zenith that is 'While You See A Chance Take It,' a song that totally owns your parents because it bought them just to cobble together some sweet clogs to go stomping on

they are monstrously overrated…'Neon Bible' is a complete throwaway album I'll never listen to again; there is literally nothing redeeming about it besides being named after John Kennedy Toole's coming-of-age novel written when he was fucking 15/16….'Funeral' kicks ass, obviously, but 'Suburbs' is at times insufferable

I actually still like that awfully named 'N 2gether' with Method, and, though I know I'm uttering a blasphemy, I like the Who cover 'Behind Blue Eyes'….

I just came back here to post this, everyone will probably hate it b/c it's played out like a madman, the ol rock band-covers-rap-song gambit, and more likely isn't as good as I'm projecting—had a smoke just a bit ago—but their Ms. Jackson cover isn't a bad riff-off on it:

For those of you doggin' the Vines for being a Nirvana knockabout, come on, there's no reason to go down that road (So-and-so begot so-and-so and so on) when there are tunes like 'Mary Jane' that are, like, totally on the level and sounds nothing close to any of that Nirvana noise. Behold, a slow groove to burn upon:

this thread kind of makes me happy then sad and that's life, and then you're dead