
Flight 462 come in, boat gets taken hostage, Nick goes and finds Luis, Madison uses a zombie hostage to get Travis back, and now they're going to Mexico. Dislike the show if you want, but I feel it's disingenuous to say that nothing's happening…

Clearly no one paid you to write all of that, because holy shit most of those "observations" were insufferable.

There is no fine. The FCC doesn't regulate cable that way. The problem is the network's advertisers.

I actually kind of loved this. It doesn't take itself too seriously and is very self-aware. The cast is fantastic and there's talent behind the scenes that makes it all work well together.

If Dee was at the bar at the top of the episode and Dennis and Mac weren't, why did they need to get rid of her in order to masturbate?

Actually I sort of agree with the score this week (and for the record last week's B+ was egregious and should have been a solid A). It just felt like a bit of a let down after last week's masterpiece for and entire episode to be a masturbation joke that didn't even make any sense to begin with. But a lot of good


Tracking shots on TV are automatic As. It's like Dennis didn't go to TV reviewing school. Perkins you goddamn bitch.

"I will never let you boss me around again, not even the lives of 100 thousand kids depended on it."

Amy Poehler in that strapless dress. Dayum.

Lots of great physical comedy this week, between Dennis throwing Charlie's cheese and him peering out behind Dee as she rated people. Fantastic Dennis episode overall.

I actually like when this show gets campy. The cheesy lines from the Electrocutioner, and then getting foiled by a paper cup full of water, that works. It doesn't when juxtaposed against a waste of a Johnny Cash song, but it's the kind of Gotham I wouldn't mind having on a weekly basis. And I like Penguin

The Canon is on a two week street of making me feel bad for liking popular movies.

Charlie eating an entire chicken is by far my favorite visual on this episode. His slurring at the end with the subtitles was perfect too. Overall great ep, it's like the show never went away for a full year.

I'm really mad I didn't think of Chekov's Rocket Launcher before you did.

This was OK. The action was fine even if it was dulled by the PG13 rating. There's an actual plot this time so that's good. And Neeson is at his Neeson-iest and spends half the time on the phone, but he doesn't snap as many necks. I loved Whitacker's character, he does that thing in action movies where a character has

I saw this over the summer at the Fantasia Festival in Montreal and swooned over it. It's utterly ridiculous, over the top and doesn't give a shit about anything other than telling the story it sets out to tell, which is so refreshing. It isn't concerned with anything else and that makes it so different than most sci

Was gonna say… the episode didn't work for the reviewer but they gave it an above average?

I would say early Roseanne is much more important (and I'm not even a Roseanne fan) but I don't know how much Lorre was involved. Honestly I dropped Mom from my rotation but I did appreciate how it seems to take the issues it proposed somewhat more seriously instead of incessantly writing them off with fart jokes like

POI is the only show that could actually pull off turning one of its characters into a cyborg, admit it.