
"Sorry, I'm busy making death threats to Samaritan operatives."

If you don't want to know, don't watch the preview for next week.

I kept thinking afterwards how if any other show tried something like this (except Community) would probably fail. But on POI they own it and make it a masterpiece. I jumped when Finch dies, even though it became instantly obvious it wasn't real. I yelled in excitement when Reese died in the Reese-iest way possible,

"You brought an old Asian man to my sex party so it WOULDN'T be weird?"

Her delivery was awesome all night.

You can make stupid decisions in the game too, since almost anything you do tends to lead to something bad. I honestly never got that complaint about the show. It's the zombie apocalypse, most of these people aren't trained in any sort of survival, and they're constantly tired, hungry and dehydrated. I make stupid