Batman Embiggens

You mean Nutzis?

I predict this will be greeted with much ballet-hoo.


"Why didn't you just go left or right?"
"Iā€¦couldn't dooo eeet?"

Judy Blume sounds like an euphemism for a period.

Means I love you.

I read an interview with him in Starlog magazine around the time this came out where he refused to discuss the making of Dragonslayer due to "personal reasons." Always wondered what was up with that, did that story ever come out?

I think Ray is the only character in history to get a blow job and then get a Saturday morning cartoon.

You mean when he turned into a Wirren? That WAS a cool arc.

It was a dark day for America when we lost the right to chicken done right.

I'm a big fan of Ethan Hawke

"There's a rumor going around that he don't use jelly."

" Oh Mirren, you've done it again! Ah haha hoo!"

Friedkin Lickin' Good


By getting him to say Exnay you send him back to his home dimension.

So what you are really saying is that comics should just stay comics? Gotcha.

Patrick Troughton's greatest hour!

Spock's uncle will have a major arc in the upcoming Star Trek series!

Yoda mom so fat her memory foam mattress now has Alzheimer's!