The Mahatma Fonzie

Why are you so intent on showing your superiority? If I was as dumb as you claim, why would my words bother you? It's precisely because what I'm saying makes at least some sense that you are feeling the need to huff and puff.

Actually babies that are not breast fed are more likely to develop health problems.

Got me!

Nice pop culture reference.

Inflammatory responses - no matter what the cause - interfere with a young baby's immune system development. There doesn't need to be an infection, or a vaccine adjuvant - any inflammatory response can alter the natural course of development. That is why babies only drink breast milk - it's safe and doesn't

Nope, not sure what respectful insolence is. No gish gallop here either - I have made mostly one specific claim that no one wants to address.

People don't die from measles unless they're severely malnourished. The death rates for measles diminished to virtually nothing before the vaccine was introduced.

They're ignorant or malicious.

Their immune systems do not produce all the chemicals in normal quantities until 2 years old - the breast milk supports the immune system during this period.

Nutrition and sanitation certainly took care of TB.

I didn't mean to suggest that, just thought it was an interesting rebuttal to the knowledge you ascribe to modern medicine. Yes, the surgeries and sanitation have improved. But there are many diseases (like diabetes type II especially) where modern medicine seems to prolong the problem for profit.

As long as you already made up your mind.

I can't keep repeating myself. Can you try reading what I've written? Can you try to see how what you're saying doesn't apply to my claim? I know you instantly want to put me in my place with a youtube video, but try to make sure you're actually responding to what people are saying.

Yes, sanitation and access to more food/improved nutrition have done a lot, as well as advances in surgeries to cure catastrophic injury. And yet, actually, in America, life expectancies are for the first time going down. Despite wild improvements in surgery and more quick access to care, people are dying earlier

Yes, the bacteria of the birth canal which are transferred during natural childbirth contribute to the baby's immune system. The immune system of the child needs 2 years to fully develop and needs breast milk to help it function and develop. A baby’s immune system only makes small amounts of IL-1B and TNF-alpha -

Again, that doesn't apply to my main claim.

Actually you're not addressing what I'm saying, and attacking other people's opinions on vaccines. I'm calling into question the very act of inducing inflammatory responses in newborns. You can argue that idea if you like.

Is douchedom facts related to controversial subjects?

Shockingly, you still don't seem to understand my claim. The vaccine producers themselves will tell you that the aluminum is in the vaccine to cause an immune response - without this response, the toddler's immune system will not react to the vaccine. Aluminum is an adjuvant, it causes an inflammatory response,

Are you genuinely confused about my claim? Trace aluminum in food in small quantities is not going to cause an inflammatory response. The aluminum in vaccines is there specifically to cause an inflammatory response - this is the stated reason that the aluminum is in the vaccine to begin with.