The Mahatma Fonzie

Again the problem is that the aluminum is there precisely to cause an inflammatory response, which disrupts the natural development of the immune system (which relies on breast milk for support for the first two years).

That doesn't apply to my main claim about inflammatory responses in toddlers, nor does it take into consideration that I already mentioned aluminum being injected into the muscle is different than being consumed with food in the digestive system.

You thought that was a lecture just because your learned something? No, my friend, it was a few paragraphs. But you're welcome nonetheless.

You don't see how inducing an inflammatory response in a toddler with no real immune system of it's own could cause problems?

That actually doesn't even address my main claim about toddler's immune systems.

The more serious problem I eluded to is that toddlers don't have much of an immune reaction because their immune system is supposed to develop over the first two years of life with support from breast milk. This process can be interfered with if an inflammatory response is caused. Aluminum is put in the vaccine

Your not curious about my claim? You just dismiss it out of hand? I mean, unless you've heard that specific claim before, wouldn't you be a little curious? You are aware aluminum is in vaccines, right?

Actually, there's no need to make a dialectic between eating processed garbage and abandoning civilization (though that might not be such a bad idea), you could always eat fresh meat & produce and not support factory farming of plants or animals by not giving them your money. It's not hard, you can even shop at many

It's all a joke, pop culture is everything, don't have kids, save the earth.

I don't feel superior to you. Do you genuinely think that the media properly covers all controversial subjects? Why can't you name one thing you disagree with the mainstream on? Hell, the Boston Bomber fact I gave you was broadcast on the BBC - it's not even outside of the mainstream.

Are you trying to get me started on food in America, which is killing people? Half the country is obese. For profit companies have gotten rich while choking the food markets in some areas where access to fresh meat and produce can be scarce while their packaged poison is literally advertised to children. Your

I just don't use disqus, I didn't realize it was even doing that. Yes, all these comments are from the same person, which is obvious based on me repeating phrases from previous posts. Sorry for the confusion.

Did you know toddler's immune systems don't really react properly to threats of infection, that's why vaccines need adjuvants like aluminum to get a reaction from the child?

I assume you're joking, but hey, maybe that's what you really think. So do you think the media covered up this information to help Obama win the presidency? Or perhaps Obama's "most transparent administration" was able to hide that fact?

Name one controversial subject where your opinion/understanding is outside of the acceptable media-promoted one.

The person you responded to didn't say anything about capitalism or free market. Voat is not an alt right website, there are people on voat of every stripe.

Voat is not far right or alt right. It doesn't worship capitalism. They weren't crying that they don't make money, they actually just raised the money. Some members said they wished to be notified earlier so they could contribute to the platform that they use before the situation had gotten so dire.

You have a problem with gamergate subreddits? Really?

I've never seen someone so naively anti-free speech. You welcome the tyranny of social engineers, probably because your mind has been thoroughly colonized.

This is a pathetic smear article that shows how far the AVclub has fallen. Are there racists and idiots on voat? Yes. Are there useful idiots and morons on reddit? Yes. There are idiots everywhere.