Remember when you were like, "but a scraped knee causes an inflammatory response, see! You don't even know what an inflammatory response is!"
This is why you're not bothering to argue anymore? So why you responding with just "murderer" before?
Nice, a pop culture reference. Is that to avoid the argument?
This is you projecting, probably because you want to avoid the argument. You could actually help people with diabetes, but you've been trained not to so someone else can profit wildly.
Look at you, avoiding the argument.
Yes, measles deaths can be prevented with with adequate vitamin A. Most people in the US eat a diet with adequate vitamin A.
Even if I was totally wrong, I would not be a murderer. Killer? Maybe you could stretch it, but clearly I'm not a murderer.
C'mon, this is just sad. You made a counter-argument, I countered back - showing you still didn't understand my claim and were incorrect, and now here would be where you show you're not wrong and make another counter argument.
Yes, the most terrifying thing in modern society is that some people have a different opinion than me on a subject that has been deemed controversial. I prefer when everyone just accepts whatever the media tells us. And if some guy brings up operation mockingbird, or how Carl Bernstein (of watergate fame) has talked…
You still don't understand the claim.
Nope? No misrepresented study? Just more absurdly over the top accusations like killer?
Haha, if these people thought Hail Caesar was offensive, I think we can know their opinions are pretty useless.
Still waiting on that rebuttal or that explanation of how I misrepresented a study. Something makes me think that you know you don't have a real argument as to how I was misrepresenting anything, so instead you just said I was, and then tried to cover by saying you didn't want to waste the time explaining. Then you…
There sure are a lot of profits in selling diabetes treatments that must be used for the rest of a patients life. You get paid a little bit of that money if you do your part - by convincing the person they are now and will forever be dependent on profitable treatments. That would make me sick, but it seems you're…
Please try to actually help people with type II diabetes instead of telling them their condition is permanent and the only thing that will help them is drugs and whatever outdated nutrition advice you give them.
Again, no rebuttal. If you see a flaw in the argument I presented, let me know. I don't like to be wrong. I didn't claim to have done this research myself. If that's the bar, you can't claim vaccines are safe unless you've done the research yourself. Hm… guess we can't discuss anything.
It's unfortunate how much information is hidden from mothers about the effects of "routine" hospital and medical procedures. Even if one totally believes in the efficacy of vaccines, this information is relevant, suggesting the administering of vaccines should be delayed, and certainly not given in bunches during…
All that and no actual rebuttal to anything I said. Oh, you looked up some of the studies? What did you find that I'm misrepresenting? I'd like to know.