
Will I get to watch a famous athlete read cue cards for 90 minutes this season?

I watched Daredevil in its entirety, yet I am still cautiously optimistic.

Well, I was annoyed when I heard Johnny Storm was playing Captain America, and that seemed to work out.

No mention of him playing Cyborg on Smallville?

They can skip the new TMNT movie altogether and just bring back turtle pies.

We'll trick those race car lovin' wide-loads into watching your lefty homoerotic propaganda hour yet.

Will there be a scene where a heart drops on the floor and Toto eats it?

Did they use green screen to put Bruce Willis in Expendables and Expendables 2? His acting in those movies was like a guy going over his lines with the script girl.

The girl trapped in the painting still haunts me.

It just occurred to me that there wouldn't be world hunger IF JOSH GAD DIDN'T LIVE WHERE THE FOOD IS!

You know what Sam Kinison is gonna be in a hundred years? HE'S GONNA BE SAND.

I wonder if in a thousand years the visual shorthand for "cool" will still be sunglasses.

Hey, it's that song from the movie Haunted Honeymoon.

What Lies Beneath 2: 2 Legit 2 Quit

I am still waiting for What Lies Beneath 2: The Beneathening.

I never heard Him say anything funny.

She doesn't need any more pictures taken of her. Him could probably use the exposure.

I can no longer acknowledge this plane of existence as reality.

I cringe when a movie set in New York shows a building collapsing.I would do the same if a character fired a gun in a theater or elementary school, but I never take offense or assume malicious intent. Some people wake up in the morning and look for something to offend them.

I am going to listen to the Christian Bale rant and pretend it is about this video.