
Still waiting for Song of the South, Disney.


Abraham: I used to be with it, until they changed what it was. Now what I am with isn't it and what is it seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you!
Homer: No way, man! We are going to be rocking forever…
Present day. Homer looks at himself in mirror.

What is NBC planning to air in the place of Hannibal? Pretty soon it is just going to be static.

None of the men in my family make it out of their sixties alive, so Christopher Lee already has me beat on that score.

Was the post-mortem picture at the top of this article the only one available?

Marilyn Manson is Tyler Durden!

He should just re-release Batdance in support of Baltimore

Fox Mulder is looking a little jowly these days.

Based on the title I thought this movie would be a mash up of Deep Rising and Event Horizon.

Now Hugh Jackman will have time to star in the hotly anticipated sequel to Someone Like You.

Well, not with THAT attitude.

Everything's gonna be just fine. Now go upstairs and pack your bags. We're gonna start a new life under the sea.

Man, her career is on fire.

I finally threw it away last year when I decided dvds were not just a passing fad.

She is also going to star in the next Fantastic Four movie in 2005.

I used to have a copy of Last Man Standing. It was on magnetic tape wound between two spools and contained within a rectangular plastic shell.

Ha ha! Got the drop on you with *my* disintegrating pistol! And brother, when it disintegrates, it disintegrates.

Somehow this will turn into a movie about a guy who punches sharks.

Next stop, a cameo in her own porn parody.