livid hieroglyph


I too am jealous.

I DID MISSPELL!  The man invented CAPS LOCK!  I haven't seen any QI but did recently watch through Henry 8.0 and loved every bit of it.

A Shakespearian Late Romance.

A Shakespearian Late Romance.

Gore Vidal in a Forward to a collection of H.L. Mencken's writings had a great line that explained a hell of a lot to me when I first read it years ago:  "Although every American has a sense of humor—it is his birthright and encoded somewhere in the Constitution—few Americans have ever been able to cope with wit or

The Duke and Dauphin would lay over anything these fox fellers could do, and make them feel awful ornery, and mean.

The Duke and Dauphin would lay over anything these fox fellers could do, and make them feel awful ornery, and mean.

I like this.

I like this.

@avclub-8646621b13a120bd56e81491e0849976:disqus Goodnight and sleep well.  And I too have great tv and movie blindspots.  There has to be other things in the world we could talk about.  We'll figure it all out one day.

@avclub-8646621b13a120bd56e81491e0849976:disqus Goodnight and sleep well.  And I too have great tv and movie blindspots.  There has to be other things in the world we could talk about.  We'll figure it all out one day.

@avclub-8646621b13a120bd56e81491e0849976:disqus Get all the rest and sleep you need to muddle through.  I haven't watched any BB, guess I'm saving it for later. Missouri v South Carolina.  3:30 on CBS.  I think it may be a national game.  These sentences seem clipped and without the flow I wish they could have.  But

@avclub-8646621b13a120bd56e81491e0849976:disqus Get all the rest and sleep you need to muddle through.  I haven't watched any BB, guess I'm saving it for later. Missouri v South Carolina.  3:30 on CBS.  I think it may be a national game.  These sentences seem clipped and without the flow I wish they could have.  But

A foot long tail would give me great show in the sideshow business, so I'll stick with that.

A foot long tail would give me great show in the sideshow business, so I'll stick with that.

Vestigial tails drive the plot of Small Potatoes, one the best X-Files episodes, and so I choose tail, which I guess could be more easily removed than a gigantic birthmark.

Vestigial tails drive the plot of Small Potatoes, one the best X-Files episodes, and so I choose tail, which I guess could be more easily removed than a gigantic birthmark.

@JanetSnakehole Work, on a Sunday, that sounds wearing.  What is Madrigal?  And yes Carolina beat New Orleans.