livid hieroglyph


Me too.

My connection has been buggy all day.  But that's just AT&T being the AT&T of people.

Another joke!

That was the funniest thing, ever.  There were two that used to play years ago that made me speculate on the psychology of the mind that cooked them up.  One was two teenage boys driving down a country road in a convertible and they pick up a couple of hitchhiking Jezebels and when the girls crack open a beer and

Stephen Colbert grew up in Charleston, SC.  And so did Livid Hieroglyph!

So you didn't get in his face and call him a limey bastard and tell him to lick his gravedigger's biscuits?

You were in a mall in SC?  We've something in common!

All the comments.

Edit: I didn't mean to post this here!

But Barry White!  Nothing with Barry White can be bad.

I would get drunk and jump in a water fountain and talk to Scott Fitzgerald.

Join Ron Swanson, 1980s Tom Selleck, and me and grow a two-fisted, butt kicking 'stache.  You'll have four fists!

This is why I'll welcome our new Insect Overlords.

*cracks knuckles*  I could easily take down a horse-sized duck.  (As long as it doesn't fly around my head.  Stuff flying around my head freaks me the hell out.)

The extended Miami Dolphins riffing, the hat-tips to agent Scully and Counselor Troi, and Zap F'n Rowsdower—that is one of the best things ever.

The Autumnal Equinox is just around the corner.  Anyone have any pledges or plans to mark it?

@avclub-8646621b13a120bd56e81491e0849976:disqus I'm ok, thanks for asking.  This seems to be a Motown kind of day and night.  Also, Sam Cooke's Another Saturday Night might get played ten or twenty thousand times.

I too hated that.  If I weren't drinking wine and listening to Motown I assure you I would be rampaging.

Water-skiing team would be so cool to be on, and then to win a national championship!