
Pretty great interview actually
I like that exchange where he says to Heisler, "You're so funny, man." I really don't know how true he's being about FX, as just because you get creative freedom as a show-runner there, it doesn't mean you don't have to jump through hoops to get your show there in the first place.

" he's great at turning old properties someone else built into huge profits; just look at what he did with Queen's "Under Pressu
Golf clap for that one. Why aren't we campaigning for Sean O'Neal to win the Pulitzer? He deserves more than some smartass tumblr.

Anyone else wander over here because they saw Patton Oswalt in the picture?
HE'S on this show? I am such an enormous fan of his, and yet between this and Bored To Death, which I also have zero-interest in, I feel like I am not doing my duty as a fan keeping up with his work.

Lil Wayne wears a backpack @ shows all the time. Also, fuck off you bitch-ass h8r.

True Dreck? Is that what passes for a play-on-words around here? Not even Spike would come up with something that lazy.

To be clear, I was being sarcastic when I wrote that.

They made a change UPSTAIRS
and the Big Man joined the band. (in heaven.)

Secret Girlfriend. Oh my god.
Seriously. Oh My God. So fucking awful to the point where I just stare at it for 5 minutes after South Park ends, wishing terrible things upon all the castmates.

not that grades mean anything (especially from the dude who gave "Crank 2" an A-) but there is no way this macho Republican bullshit is better than 'The National Parks'. Fuck Dennis Haysbert and his magical negro buttery chestnut voice of authority.

If you're not a fan of Ken Burns documentaries, yet the only criticism you can really muster is the umpteenth retread of being bored with the "Ken Burns effect" you might as well quit there.

let's call a moratorium for the term "on paper"
On paper it might seem like a clever way to introduce something that sounds cool in theory but really isn't or really is…but really it's just a lame overused turn of phrase. Like the phrase "turn of phrase." Nobody 'cept cartoonists uses paper anymore anyway. And half of

aren't the kids who fall into that #2 category the ones constantly texting and leaving every 5 minutes to buy soda pop and make out in the parking lot? why did they even buy a ticket?! it's called netflix, you miserable little wretches! sext each other in the privacy of your parents' living rooms, for fuck's sake!

birth posts was the worst posts. now we sip champagne when we thirst post.

anyone seeing GI Joe or The Goods 88 days into their release schedule…
has either just come back from a long trip to a foreign country…can only afford to go to the movies at those $1 theaters…is some sort of deranged Jeremy Piven obsessive…either way, it is an audience so completely, hopelessly retarded and removed

i was baffled as well. Vanderwooffenstein was way off in his Parks & Recreation review tonight. AV Club be gettin its hate on in this bitch tonight.

"Kevin is the most awfully written character on TV" is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read on a comment board. And I read Youtube comments.

Leno was pretty killer tonight actually.

Radzinsky there you go with that damn temper again. Kill yourself. Wait, didn't you already?

have to agree with the disagree-ers
To me. this was an episode that lived up to P&R's highest aspirations. Making the choice to set this show in a local GOVERNMENT office - as opposed to a wacky pet store or a rubber nipple factory - was a crucial decision for this show's creators to make. From the beginning, they've