
Myles, I am consistently baffled by your unabashed hatred for this show, at least the show as it is now. Nevermind the wildly erratic swing of last week's solid "A" (?!) for an episode that wasn't even as funny as tonight's - you seem to be grading this show on a much more rigid criteria than is demanded/fair or even

Why would I care about someone's opinion on any cable TV drama of the past five or six years if they've never seen The Sopranos? It's not an innocent blindspot. It's a gaping hole in your understanding of the medium of television to have not seen that show.

I am sort of bewildered by the vitriol people around here still have for Katy Perry in a world where 2011-era Britney fucking Spears somehow squeezed her way onto yer Best Albums of the Year list.

I can't complain about the lack of lady comics in this list, but of all lady comics, I am baffled Jen Kirkman's didn't get more praise. I would also second the guy above/below me re: Myq Kaplan.

Dear AV Club,

Hey David, I'm on your side. But when you're doing a savage takedown of a show like this, it really takes the punch out of your argument to read an awkward grammatical mistake in the very first sentence:

Eh you're right. I was actually trying to delete the comment now because I feel like a jerk but not seeing a delete button here.

Oh fuck off. That's nothing to be proud of yourself about. It's still a fun show. I'll take Dexter at its worst over Walking Dead at its best any day.

From the funniest book ever written:
Sinatra Warns Russkies to 'Knock it Off' - Singer Gives Khrushchev 24 Hours to 'Drop This Commie Bunk or It's Ring-a-Ding-Ding for You Bozos."

The reason he does so is because The Best Show is NOT podtrash! It has BEEN a radio show for years before these podchumps dipped their toes in the water.

Boil some water.

In this case of Mommy and Daddy fighting, Mommy really is a no-good skank. I'm sorry but I've given Jimmy Pardo many tries and I just can't stand the guy. I recognize there are Pardo fans who could probably say the same about Scharpling, but really, Pardo just seems to have nothing to say. He's very quick, and

Re: Boring Friends - It's one thing to get people to listen to the best of Scharpling & Wurster, it's another to convince them they have to listen to a 3-hour radio show each week. But like Tom says, that's the meat of the show. There have been plenty of fantastic episodes over the years that Jon wasn't a part of.

Very happy to see a proper interview with Mr. Scharpling
I love the Best Show too much to properly encapsulate into a comment right now. Got the DVD and trading cards on my desk. And have - over the past couple of years - gone back and listened to the entire series from the start. I've heard of people RE-listening to

Stealth twelves-ies (a bit premature, guy) not fooling nobody.

Lazy Mother-Fucking AsshOles
If I was cleverer I would've thought of a proper use of the letter O. But if these guys were cleverer this album wouldn't exist so let's call it a draw.

actually meant to say abe vigoda's 3d, which was the first of theirs that I had heard.

I'm with P'ing C'ly. I think the KISS comparison is a bit much. More than half of this review is dedicated to trashing the band's promotional strategy, of which, I was completely unaware of listening to the album. (Indeed, unaware of until I read this review.)

The porn star of the same name is hotter. Also she's a real person.

I would completely buy that Tony Leung theory. Ditto Maggie Cheung.