Jackie O Shades

There's nothing funnier to me than talented actors pretending to be bad actors. I was howling through that entire sequence.

I'd honestly like to see his arrest happen no sooner than the series finale - and Rosa definitely needs to be involved.

It doesn't help that this season was filmed entirely over the summer, which was completely dry and cloudless this year. We won't be seeing any overcast skies this time around.

I agree that it can be frustrating to watch - I think most of us viewers are like Alba, saying "toughen up, already!" But like you say, that's Jane's character.

I found it funny rather than cheesy, because he was actually more amused by her willingness to humiliate herself than impressed by her perseverance. If anything, It worked as a fun subversion of the cliche inspiration scene - for me, anyway.

We used to, way back in the day.

*other buckets

I was just starting to think about what I wanted to suggest this year since I knew this was coming up, but happened to be running around all day today and missed my chance.

And Hyde's mom on That 70's Show!

It was Jake's nana who raised them both.

There was an odd moment in The Mattress where Jake comments on the fact that Amy calls her mom once a week: "You're practically stalking her." Maybe I'm reading too much into that and it was just meant to be a tossed-off joke, but it almost made it seem like Jake and his mom are not on very good terms.

"Question: Any scoop on Jake/Amy or on Brooklyn Nine Nine in general? – Lauren.
Ausiello: The happy couple won’t be welcoming Baby
Peralta anytime soon, if that’s what you’re wondering. According to a rep for the show, Melissa Fumero’s real-life pregnancy will not be written in, and her Spring 2016 due date won’t pose

It's already been confirmed that it won't be written in, thank goodness.

I love that the "put a baby in her" line appeared so soon after Melissa Fumero announced her pregnancy.

Throw in a couple of reaction shots from Cheddar and… samesies.

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I have an otherwise-blank listing under my name because of a Kickstarter I contributed to… well I just checked my Starmeter out of curiosity and apparently my ranking went up 5,224,724 this week. I'm beginning to think this thing may not be legit.

Yeah, I saw another promo pic somewhere that showed Jake holding a bunch of knives, so that scene must have gotten cut.

I was completely on edge the entire episode, worrying what was going to happen with Gretchen, and felt positively shaken when it was done. I can't remember reacting to any show or film - let alone a sitcom - quite this strongly before.

I always thought that he should do a rom-com with Imogen Poots.

During my trip to Australia in '94 I bought and shot 13 rolls of film, plus a disposable underwater camera (remember those?). I'm sure the total cost of film, developing and printing was at least close to $200, if not more than.