Jackie O Shades

The story is ludicrous (really, it is), but Clancy's great in it - and you see a lot of him, if you know what I mean.

Have you ever seen Blue Steel? That crush'll flare right back up again if you watch it now.

Loved it, and my immediate thought was that "Yeah, it was dark" made for a pretty good meta comment as well.

There was something in M.E. time, when he (and Rosa, I think) catch Jake with the medical examiner and Boyle says something like: "It's been two hours! Did you have sex [ridiculous number of] times?"

You might get a kick out of this…

A company I used to work for send out a telephone contact list that abbreviated the Assistant Production Manager's title (and I promise you I'm not making this up) as: "Ass Prod Manager." She wasn't nearly as amused as the sales manager who sent out the response: "We were wondering how many asses you guys prod that

I knew I'd seen something like that:

So wonderful, yes!

From reading the article and this thread it seems that most people missed that the milking mothers were free at then end - they were the ones who opened up the floodgates to provide the "wretched" with all the water they needed.

I had an Iron Maiden "Somewhere in Time" poster on my wall for a while. The first time my mom saw it I said something like "you must think that's awful," and was surprised when she responded with: "It's just the human body, nothing wrong with it." It took me a moment to realize she thought Eddie was Anatomical Man.

"Is that where we landed on that?" a la Michael Bluth, whenever someone claims I agreed to something I don't remember agreeing to.

He's amazing - he actually improvised that line!

Fox is actually promoting his casting pretty heavily, so it looks like it isn't really meant to be a surprise reveal.

Not only that, he couldn't even be bothered to address the issue at the time it happening - he waited until it came time to promote the movie.

Stay out of my territory.

Samberg grew up in Berkeley, so I like to think it's based on an actual guy there who's either fuming about it or, alternatively, doesn't get that he's being made fun of and thinks it's really cool.

I love how Rosa's now reacting to Amy's dorky outbursts the same way Jake reacts to Charles' - neither of them want their nerdy but loveable friends to embarrass themselves.

And such a great way of portraying a genuinely cool guy, not a puffed-up caricature of a cool guy.

The Americans season finale? That's coming up soon.

It's worth it. So, so worth it.