Jackie O Shades


A. I didn't mind the messiness at all - it just felt like the result of cramming so much fantastic material in so short a time frame.


Solid A

Same here - I kept expecting Ted to suddenly have a light bulb moment at some point during the rant and was confused when the scene ended without that happening.




Repilot B
Intro to Teaching B+

If you're going to go that route, doesn't it make more sense that Rose=Lavender?

Yeah, that's exactly what I was hoping to see. I'm old enough to have seen the original show with crazy guests like Alice Cooper and Debbie Harry, and assumed the whole point of this special was to recreate that magic. It wasn't horrible, but definitely disappointing.


A- I absolutely can't get over how great this show is, right out of the gate.

B. Good, but not one of my favourites this year.

Harry himself describes their relationship that way - in the post Horcrux destroying scene.

He may not have stood out, but he wasn't lacking either - in empathy, courage, or intelligence. If you're arguing that Hermione should have been with someone truly exceptional instead, that's a legitimate point of view, but to say that he was exceptionally lacking in good qualities is not at all accurate, IMO.

Ron was just as caring - he just had a different way of showing it. He tended to be blunt, even harsh in the way he spoke, but he was always willing to stand up and fight for those he cared about, and he did it time and time again.

But the whole point of their awesome friendship is that they were like the siblings that each one never had - that's why they were so comfortable with one another, and why any romantic feelings or attraction would have ruined that for sure.

Took me a few seconds… but I got there.

Maybe he still is? We know that he's all about long game.