Jackie O Shades

First thought I had, too.

Marge Gunderson

Yes! The first one is definitely better (and my choice for this list). It's nearly flawless from start to finish and incredibly well balanced between character, plot, suspense and action. The second is more technically impressive, but otherwise pretty cheesy by comparison.

Rolling Stone's Top 100 lists are all just variations on their master list "The 100 Acts Which Best Define our Brand." If they did a list of the 100 cutest Anglo-Irish bass players in rock John would still rank higher than Paul.

Jess did tell Nick that things weren't exactly perfect perfect between her and Sam… maybe he felt the same way.

Agreed, and I really didn't like how exceptionally rude he was to that poor lady in the musical-chairs-type game - he came across as genuinely asshole-ish there. They really need to dial that back a bit.

Plus, Marshall being bummed about Geddy Lee's silly comment about grunge being born in Canada in 1996. My favourite meta moment in an episode chock full of them.

And the top two comments are from "Jack Donaghy"!

I can't believe how incredibly happy that made me. Couldn't have asked for a better ending for Liz.

What ever happened to the commenter who wrote a fan fic about Leslie Knope Headlines and Ben Wyatt Fanfiction? I only ever saw the one, and it was awesome.

What ever happened to the commenter who wrote a fan fic about Leslie Knope Headlines and Ben Wyatt Fanfiction? I only ever saw the one, and it was awesome.

They've always used the phrase "A little ways down the road" - vague enough that it can be anytime they want.

They've always used the phrase "A little ways down the road" - vague enough that it can be anytime they want.

I may be misremembering, but wasn't her first instance of getting irritated at Patrice a result of Patrice cooing over some romantic gesture Barney made for Nora? I've always assumed that while Robin may find her overly bubbly personality annoying, it's her feelings of jealousy that push her into screaming frustration.

I may be misremembering, but wasn't her first instance of getting irritated at Patrice a result of Patrice cooing over some romantic gesture Barney made for Nora? I've always assumed that while Robin may find her overly bubbly personality annoying, it's her feelings of jealousy that push her into screaming frustration.

I was going to list my two favourites - 2000 Miles and Fairytale of New York - only to realize when I looked them up that they are 28 and 25 years old respectively. When did I get so damn old?

I was going to list my two favourites - 2000 Miles and Fairytale of New York - only to realize when I looked them up that they are 28 and 25 years old respectively. When did I get so damn old?

Maintaining her sexy listening face all the while.

Maintaining her sexy listening face all the while.

I haven't seen the movie version of Phoenix but the book, overstuffed and overlong as it is, felt really hollow to me. I just realized, having recently re-read it, that the reason is that the main characters come across as strangely 2-dimentional in this one - as though Rowling was going through a don't-give-a-shit