Jackie O Shades

Wasn't it Jack himself who said something like "I once claimed to be God…"? I was wondering if anyone else caught that.


Yes, the girl's performance definitely reminded me of Ponette, the only other time a young performer felt very genuine to me. I also agree that she is the heart of the film, that the hospital scenes were the most compelling, and that the story wasn't difficult to follow at all. And that this is a great film. Just good

My Sweet Lord/Isn't It a Pity by George Harrison.

"We went for the easy joke on several occasions, for sure. "

I watched the free copy I was given because I thought it would be fun to spot familiar locations.

Don't be fatuous, Jeffery.

The problem was that they were cast into a committed, lovey-dovey relationship right from the get-go, which was neither consistent with their characters nor funny. I hope that if they do end up doing and on-again-off-again they get it right the next time- plenty of casual flings and total denial of deeper feelings.

I actually thought I had made it through the whole list until I saw what was in first (last?) place - the only one on the list I've seen, Ecks vs Sever.

Do you think someone who generally doesn't like horror movies might enjoy it? Some scenes were filmed just outside my apartment (at the time) and I've always been tempted to watch it for that reason.

Don't be fatuous, santos.

Not the greatest movie, but I liked the realism in Boys on the Side when Drew Barrymore's character wacks her abusive boyfriend in the head with a baseball bat. Whoopie reacts to her naive shock that he's dead with "YOU HIT HIM WITH A BAT!"

I definitely liked the fakeout ending of The Ring better - when we believed the demon girl was just a troubled soul who needed to be put to rest, rather than an unbeatable supernatural being. It seemed somehow more realistic and engaging.

I had a Psychology of Deviance prof who reveled in saying outrageous things in a very proper, professorial deadpan. Describing a popular obscene gesture: the forearm, you see, represents the phallus; the implication is that it is to be shoved in, right to the hilt. Very memorable, which I'm sure was the point.

Good God, it is hilarious:

The legs of the woman in back
Is it a weird angle she's standing at, or a bad photoshop job? Those shrunken legs are kind of freaking me out.

Also, when DeNiro shot Brigitte Fonda the entire theatre erupted with the loudest cheering I've ever heard at a movie - that was a pretty good scene. Mostly I was bored, though.

As a followup to Pulp Fiction it seemed like a rehash that dragged out way too long. I agree with bkbroiler that his films have gotten weaker and weaker over time.

Oh No…
Just yesterday I promised a friend I'd go see this with her… how do I get out of it now?

Julian Sands in A Room With a View. Even my mom loved that scene (seriously).