Jackie O Shades

Still kind of regret not saying anything when I saw him walking down the street one day, since I once read in an interview that he actually likes it when fans say hi. Oh well, just looking at him was enjoyable enough - he's just about the most spectacularly handsome human male I've ever laid eyes on.

That article made me afraid to leave my apartment, in case I accidentally wandered across the continent and ran into this guy.

Otto, you're my hero for doing that, seriously. Twice I've had clients complain about black models in the stock photos I used for their ads, and a part of me died each time. At least now I know what to do next time!

Under the category of "Other":

I worked as a grocery store cashier in a really bad part of town where half our customers were either returning bottles (when they weren't winging them at our heads) or trying to boost our stuff. My brother worked as a security guard in the same neighbourhood and we would often see the same people. Our theme song, as

I'm the same way Victor - I read reviews as a way of discovering new music, not to find out what someone else thinks of bands I'm already familiar with.

The biggest problem with Strange Days is that it promised more in the trailers - plotwise - than it actually delivered.
Loved everything else about it though. And definitely, the point of Juliette Lewis' character's awfulness was to show how completely out of touch with reality Fiennes' character was. He was so

"Tales of the Gold Monkey" was my absolute favourite show as a kid. I wanted to be the spy girl who sings at the bar - except she seemed to get kidnapped every other episode. Wasn't there a one-eyed dog or something, too?

I never realized how much my computer/internet had to do with my NOT missing cable until my computer crapped out a few days ago. Now I find myself wishing my rabbit ears picked up more than two channels.

Yeesssss!!!! I'm really excited about this! It's been hard for me to keep up with the metal scene in my old age because it doesn't get covered nearly enough, and every time I delve in I get put off by the aforementioned - and all too widespread - Cookie Monster vocals. This is going to be great!

Remember him? How dare you remind me!

Six Feet Under
For me it was definitely the first season of Six Feet Under. The first time I watched it I couldn't relate to any of the characters and couldn't care less what happened to them. I was determined to give it a second chance, though, and after watching the following seasons I realized I just needed more

I recommended it to a lot of people after watching it when it first came out on video and got a lot of negative reactions - people thought it was weird or stupid and nobody thought it was funny. I definitely felt vindicated in the following years as it gained cult status.

When Lebowski came out my brother and I recommended it to a lot of people only to have them all say it was weird, stupid, "what the hell is this", etc. I definitely consider it a cult film based on my own personal experience, if nothing else.

Return from whence you came!

At this point I should just be "Late to the Party", but it's so gloriously cheesy I had to share:

Not quite rant related…
…but I thought this was pretty funny:

Laser eye surgery can correct for astigmatism - that's why I had it done.

It's only showing one of the several posts I've made since the redesign; lets see if this one shows up…

It still defaults to "newest first" at home for me, but it's "oldest first" at work. Both Firefox on the Mac… I'm so confused…