
'Did My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy really deserve album of the year the year it came out?'

Hey, leave Cool Runnings out of this!

It's this year's Barnyard!

Pretty much this - they've been consistently great.

Good call, she's brilliant.

Sad news :(

There's nostalgia for Hook? Maybe with a few people but I thought the vast majority of opinion was it's not very good. Which I would agree with - though Dustin Hoffman hamming it up is one saving grace.

If we're talking songs, the end of Suggestion by Fugazi always scares the crap out of me, when it seems like the song's over and you suddenly hear a shout of 'GUILTY'

Thanks for reminding me of Candyman now *shudders*

I like them (I'd give Star Trek a B+ and Star Trek into Darkness a B), can see why others wouldn't. Either way, the franchise was pretty moribund after the quadruple blow of Voyager/Enterprise/Insurrection/Nemesis, even James Bond and Batman only had one or two shitty films to get over before recovering.

Even if you hate his Star Trek films, he didn't crap up the franchise, that franchise was lying face down in the gutter anyway before he came along.

Only realised recently that Vinessa Shaw's in it too.

Well, if nothing else, this review reminded me how terrible She's All That is.

So, this might the fourth film to have the entire cast windup being nominated for an Oscar?

2007 called, it wants its jokes back.

What's it like having a gaping void where your heart should be? A gaping void I tell you!

Now would you unhook this already, please? I don't deserve this kind of 
shabby treatment!

I'd probably be bug-eyed hysterical as well if I was trapped in a hotel in the middle of nowhere with an increasingly insane husband (not to mention if Stanley Kubrick was making me do endless takes). In that respect, Shelley Duvall's performance works really well in my opinion. And while Nicholson isn't exactly James

I don't know, the finale of Requiem for a Dream almost becomes funny in how crazy over the top depressing it is.

Would have done better with scenes like this: