
Never mind the music reviews, whinging about Pitchfork even crops up in the AV Club film reviews now…

I really like the Baz Luhrmann version *dodges the rotten fruit and vegetables*

'Those women were in the nip!'

I have no idea really about the lyrics in Sleigh Bells' songs, and frankly I don't care. I don't think anyone who likes them likes them for their songwriting skills.

Tom Lenk's in it? If nothing else that makes me warm to the show a little

1975 might have had the best lineup for Best Picture ever

'I'd give real money if he'd shut up.'

Looking forward to hearing this

The reviews for this one have been pretty poor so far - not sure why you say Pitchfork hating it isn't a surprise though, as mentioned they really liked Part 1 and Futuresex/Lovesounds

Dr Morris on ER? I think I remember him being pretty useless.

'Now say, "I am Homer Simpson, the lowly dog" - in a dog's voice!'

Great to see Due South mentioned - always loved Benton Fraser and he reminds me a bit of Captain Carrot in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.

You can add Insomnia and One Hour Photo to the list of good Robin Williams films.

In any case, it's a well deserved award for a great album. Just as well they're not British though, the Daily Mail would have had an inevitable headline of BLEEDING HEART LIBERAL BAND BUYING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR EVIL PRISONERS going.

I love Broken Social Scene's self-titled album. It's a mess in the best possible way, and it has It's All Gonna Break on it.

For me it's a very good band making their best album yet, might wind up being my favourite this year. And as an added bonus, it's silenced a lot of the stupid jibes over their background.

Congratulations had a very mixed reception, it was hardly like it got universal acclaim.

The Woods is brilliant, it's my favourite Sleater-Kinney album, and one of my favourite albums of the 2000s. Fridmann also produced The Great Eastern by The Delgados and Deserter's Songs, which I both really like.

Oh yeah, I should have said Led Zeppelin II, III and IV as well.

A shame really to hear the terrible response this album has got, as I quite like Congratulations. Flash Delirium and Brian Eno are especially good.