Professor Snugglesworth

I didn't watch it at all. That was at least five times too many.

Maybe he's having an affair and trying to justify why he doesn't have time to sex up his own wife?

We can comment on 28-year-old powerlifters when you someone eat it where Firefly is in a cancerAIDS fire…

(Also Dawes is great.)


Today I'll just share the quick story that I had my first dental cleaning in years earlier today. The hygienist was a properly cute young lady, and I probably would have hit on her, but for the tiny detail that I had some badly inflamed gums and was a little embarrassed by it. Like hitting on a soprano five minutes

And yet I have experienced that bartenders were friendlier/flirtier than usual (and gave more free drinks) when I went out with my objectively-more-attractive brother. Seeing as how his last boyfriend was a bar manager who gave him many free drinks the night they met, followed by a not-even-asked-for number, I'm

So…. how did we all spend our New Year's Eves? I went to a gay bar with my little brother, tried not-all-that-successfully to get him dancing with some of the guys there, then I wound up dancing with a cute young lady who seemed mostly by-herself in one corner of the room. She complimented my bowtie (said "Bowties are

Hey! I need him to do for me what Woody Allen did for nebbishy neurotics in the 70s. Don't ruin this for me.

Best part for me is the inclusion of Manon des Sources, but not Jean de Florette. I assume the dynamite scene was 100% technically sound,so there's nothing to nitpick.

My favorite was some months back, when the clue talked about a 1986 Nintendo game that shared a name with F Scott Fitzgerald's wife. When two of the contestants responded, "What is Zelda?" they were informed that they were wrong; they had to spell out "The Legend of Zelda" in full.

So… lick the diagram? How does that work?

Do you ask the sun how it shines? Or the water how it courses and flows?

Not sure I get the reference. I need something more.

You really shouldn't let random Internet trolls get under your scales like that.


13 Hot Tricks to Spice Up your Flagging Sex Advice Column!

Oh, and doesn't the second book of the trilogy end with the main character winning against the villainess by trying to screw her on a stage in front of a bunch of strangers until she "breaks character" and beats the tar out of him? At which point she loses the game?

I vaguely recall that after the AA trilogy continued with some half-dozen more books, one of them involved a scene in which one character rapes another character, and both of them are being mind-controlled by other characters as some kind of game. That much at least was pretty creepy. There's also a woman who falls

Y'know, I read the Annotated Chronicles however many years back, and the one thing I clearly remember is that the authors congratulate themselves on two separate occasions for the "high diction" that they chose to employ in those books. In both of those cases, the notes were highlighting the exact same word ("mien").

Be coherent, because if FOX News your Obama communist prattle string.

We should also allow for the likelihood that even if he doesn't get with this girl, there's a hundred other reasons why his friendship with this other guy could dry up. It's college years. Everything's in flux.