Professor Snugglesworth

So… when that girl stumbled into my room freshman year and asked if I wanted to play "musical—" and vomited on the floor, I was supposed to say yes? That explains so much of the following three years!

Why do you have a robotic rooster stored in your chest cavity?

Can you click on the downvote button again to take it back?

I was fond of American Splendor at times.

It's also the only part of Across the Universe that I really enjoyed watching.

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus, the downvote button was inside you all along!

I can move my hand with my mind!

There's a bit early in season one of Legend of Korra where they show the firebenders using their lightning-conjuring skills to power the city. And earlier on in Avatar, the earthbenders use their skills to set up an intra-city tram system.


From the description, it's going to be identical to the one that Dissolve is using, since that's "new-Disqus."

Pertwee for me, handily. Dude had style.

You mean the two sweetest words in the English language? (De-fault! De-fault!)

My concern is that even passing a debt-limit raise might not be enough to stop the dollar from slipping away from the world-currency status it still enjoys, if it gets markets worrying that this scenario will just happen again next year, or maybe the year after that.

It's not your fault if you start sneezing on the train.



Curse you!

The first few times I watched The Great Muppet Caper, it never occurred to me to be impressed by the technical marvel of seeing the whole Muppet gang riding bicycles. I just processed it as, "Duh, of course they're on bikes. How else would they get around?"

The Brazilian remake of Slings & Arrows (Som e Furia?) kept fairly close to the plot of the original, from what I understand, although it compressed at least some parts to fewer episodes.