Professor Snugglesworth

Which means that Joe is probably secretly grand-dad to half the US.

Fuck on.

You're an asthmatic?

I'm often late to these discussions, but I would like to take a moment to mention what a fucking joke PMI's research really is. I spent a year's postdoctoral appointment being funded by them, and the prevailing attitude was one of apathy mixed with rationalization. My PI was keen that I should do the bare minimum to

Try it sometime.

An article about the Bechdel test passes the Bechdel test test if it

I'm seeing double! Four Tikos!

The worst Gold moment for me comes in the otherwise delightful "The Big Bang," when, early in the episode, the social worker lady tells young Amy Pond, "You know there's no such thing as stars," and the incidental music chimes in with a heavy-handed DOO-Doo-dooooooo and I just want to stab whoever thought that was


And, once we get down to the world of atoms, it should be noted that even General Relativity isn't much good at helping us out. I think. I mean, my understanding is that we don't yet have a robust theory of quantum gravitation, although I obviously never got far enough in the subject to see where it falls apart.

I had a suspicion that the answer was something like that, but I'm still trying to get my brain wrapped all the way around SR, so it'll be a while before I ever get to that subject. Besides, as someone from a chemical background, we pretty much use "weight" and "mass" as perfectly interchangeable terms, since we have

So… you're saying I should jump ship while I'm still in the postdoc stage? Believe me, I've been considering it heavily the last couple months.

What's interesting is that we have no really good explanation for why weight and mass are interchangeable. We can define mass, not as weight divided by gravitational acceleration, but rather as the inertial resistance to any force (gravitational, electromagnetic, whatever), and it just happens to be proportional to

It's on Netflix, but only through the weekend before it's scheduled to be taken down.

He's been doing well the last week. He was just extremely busy the last couple days helping his folks move out of their house.

I've heard that there's a contract or something that the BBC has that states that if they don't sell a certain minimum amount of Dalek merchandise every year, Zombie Terry Nation will steal Steven Moffat's soul.

So glad I wasn't the only one who saw a Third Man reference in that scene. Definitely seemed intentional.

I was pretty sure Hurt was saying, "I hope the years are a bit less conspicuous…" In other words, he was getting self-conscious about looking old, and it stuck with him for a few turns until Capaldi.

Although it seems like whatever the Disqus software is doing to load the comments, it doesn't stop churning when a thread gets collapsed, so even with a couple hundred comments hidden, the page tends to get incredibly sluggish as I scroll through it. Very inefficient.

You rang?