Professor Snugglesworth

Don't forget the picture taken from 40 yards away in which the person is just a speck on the left side next to some mountain or something.

But Lily wouldn't!

Wayne Brady's new boyfriend?

Who pays that much money for 30-year-aged Scotch anyway?

With the exception of "Brannigan, Begin Again," of course. Which is a running theme with this Inventory: most of these characters have been fired at one point or another. And they get their jobs back because, duh, these are comedies that require absurd characters doing absurd things to generate laughs.

It just occurred to me while reading this article that the fictional Tool Time has a modern-day equivalent in the real-life Top Gear.

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus , is that a challenge?

How did we get this far without also mentioning One Minute?

Right. The problem is that you can't really give a probability per-event, because then you're relying on couples to game out all of the math themselves, and you're expecting them to control for other factors (proper usage, timing relative to ovulation cycles) that can affect the probabilities for each instance of

I'm mainly being facetious, because I like taking an opportunity to bring up those letters. Next Thanksgiving, I'm going to try to get my family to read some of them aloud.

… Did I just volunteer to do this? I really didn't mean to.

Perhaps we ought to have someone take a weekly tally of who at the AVC has had sex in the past seven days?

If vagina is making a man uncomfortable, then you are probably doing it wrong.

Also, in my professional opinion, this woman I'm currently seeing is cuter than Julie Delpy. I might be slightly biased.

You know, just two days after I watched Before Sunrise for the first time ever, I met a young lady on the train who immediately nailed my then-profession on the basis of what papers I was reading (she just leans over and says, "Excuse me, but are you a [insert job title here]?" like it was nothing), which then led to

@inamine:disqus , are you me?

Mutually Assured Procrastination

Username/Avatar/Comment synergy! Hat trick!

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus : Using that line only counts if you keep walking in on us before, during, and after.

I stopped when she started reading a little too far into her letters, making inferences that really didn't seem justified, and then not even hedging in her response (i.e. treating her inference as though it were the actual subject of the letter). I can't even recall what letter it was now that got me to stop reading