Professor Snugglesworth

Interviewing tomorrow for a finance job in NYC. It's not really anything I've done before (my scholarly expertise is in engineering), but there's a lot of math involved, so it could be enough to make me happy for a while if I got it.

Speaking as a tall guy with long legs who walks half the speed of many much shorter ladies that he knows…

" . . .people who can't set, then hew, to deadlines."

Definitely agree. We're taking our time for the much more practical reason that we live somewhat far away from each other right now and are both in the middle of figuring out many other aspects of our lives. Throwing sex into the mix willy-nilly could wind up jumbling things all the more, and neither of us wants to

Hey, @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus ! I remember you from such comments as, "BECAUSE HE IS A HORRIBLE PERSON!"

This is why I don't like visiting the West Coast.

In the spirit of over-sharing, I'm still a virgin. As far as I know, she is too. We're probably gonna take our time with this.

That is curious. Usually, I've gotten plenty of "no"s, either in the form of offering explanations for why she can't go ("I have to pack that day!") or being more-or-less straightforward ("I'm really not interested in dating you. Sorry!") or simply choosing to ignore me (this is for textual communication; it would be

It often seems that way with small-probability events, even over many trials. If you have a 1% chance of some event per trial, and repeat that trial 100 times, there's still a ~35% chance that you won't see said event at all. So when you look at a small sample (yourself, friends), the results can wind up being all

Too low!


Google "James Joyce love letters." Sexting seems kinda dull after that.

Can you see the humanity in me (keeping in mind that I am actually a stuffed panda)?

I thought "dating down" just meant jumping straight to the oral.

And also boring. It was just a lunch date that somehow turned into a walk in the park that somehow gradually turned into a daylong affair about the city, that led to her telling me that she's been thinking about me for the whole time I've been thinking about her.

Hooray! God must love you.

So whatever did happen to TomWaits/LoneAudience? Did he just sort of get bored here and wander off?

You retired from making inferences? From your job? Or you just went to bed for the night? Your deliberate vagueness confuses and enrages me!

Doing her where?

::high-fives @avclub-7a5a3fe4ae33de425d06ac4fe8d097d2:disqus  for leaving @avclub-e9a31138d9c1040eb526f6ca6761e58b:disqus  hanging::

Details are extra-credit.