Flaubert Cooper

Guigino is kind of great with Elmore Leonard dialog.

the bullet in the eye is pretty great, too.

My favorite part in X-Man 3 was the cannonball special by Colossus and Wolverine. It reminded me of the best parts of the 80s comics, and how this movie ate it.

another Walken scene for me in when he talks to Dicaprio in the restaurant about his failures in Catch Me If You Can, which I think is a stinker of a movie.

I kind of don't like the beginning because it looks like they take the cliffs in about a half hour when in fact it took a day and the carnage and bravery were unbelievable. I liked Fuller's version in The Big Red One where he shows how long it took using a watch if I remember correctly.

Some fine rapin' in that movie. Fiiiiiiiiiine rapin'.

but the movie also has that hilarious tumble down a mountain scene with Farley. When he hits the bottom and looks back and sees that he's fallen about 10 miles is funny as hell.

James Woods in The Hard Way where he takes out that crook in the subway by staring him down is incredible.

and the Bana/Pitt fight is great. Actually all the combat stuff in that movie is top shelf.

"You like Tiger Wooo?"

he usually has more than one per movie, though. Snake Eyes also has an amazing overhead sequence where the camera travels through walls to see inside rooms. It also had Nic Cage which makes every scene fun to watch, imho.

a mopey Christ figure in bikini underwear.

Red Letter Media is wrong in that criticism. Every character has a different reaction because they're different characters and OWK is a fighter and fighters focus when they're mad. Also, Luke "lost his shit" because his friends were in danger and OWK got angry because his mentor just died.

that line is such a perfect line for Kirk. the writer totally got the way the character looks at the universe. I've always seen Kirk as based on Odysseus and that line is straight up Odysseus questioning the gods.

another great angry penis by H.R. Giger. Dude is fucked up.

"Working with Woody Allen had been a dream of mine since I was 12." - thank god he didn't find that out back then. I keed. I keed. I love Woody Allen.

She looks insanely good for her age. I'm guessing she's not going to end up looking much like her dad.

"Tonight, the part of Tony Soprano will be played by the San Diego Chicken."

hey, Justified is getting Carla Guigino next season so I think you'll be okay.

B-?  Who's got a hand up your ass, Phippsy?