Flaubert Cooper

leader, heart and soul, creative source, etc. It's really hard to expect that any Muppets stuff would be as good as Henson's material.

Paul Williams doesn't get enough credit. His songs are perfect for The Muppet Movie (and Phantom of the Paradise for that matter). I really hope the songs in the new movie are as good.

They don't look like Presbyterians to me.

yeah, 'cause being 7 was terrible. All that responsibility and work. Who'd be nostalgic for that?

I used to felt.

"There were chains so I loved you like a slave." - wow. still got it. although, how does a slave love?

good review. the movie sounds a bit like a Zola novel. Are there French pimps in jacked up purple horse carriages?

I kind of liked Richard Harris the most.

Asa Butterfield borrowed my best mule and never returned him!  Daggummit!

Cabellero sits at the end of the row because of his wheelchair.

after The Age of Innocence I learned to stop underestimating the guy. He's capable of making any kind of movie and he's a dazzling technician.

no, you see a movie so you don't have to read the book. Golly.

he's half Capuchin monkey.

She's too sexy for me to trust my own opinion of her music.  If she puts out a song called Go Jump Off A Cliff, then I'm doomed.

She's still on the board of directors for the IBTC.

he should have got it for M. Butterfly.

And then Bertrand Russell drives a Model-T right through the wall and hits them both!

I'll be watching it through a keyhole!

Your mom likes Freud. And you like your mom.

I curse you amp, volt, and watt!