Flaubert Cooper

I'm pretty sure the soldiers/patients that died from the Korean War on M.A.S.H could be considered murdered. Unless Frank Burns was operating. Then it was malpractice.

I'm pretty sure the soldiers/patients that died from the Korean War on M.A.S.H could be considered murdered. Unless Frank Burns was operating. Then it was malpractice.

me, too. hot stuff.

me, too. hot stuff.



that's a good distinction, but then Walt would go out like Carlito's Way and not Scarface ;)

that's a good distinction, but then Walt would go out like Carlito's Way and not Scarface ;)

the only thing I see wrong with "When we pick up in the second half of the season, I think the one year time skip will have taken place" is that it kind of violates the cause and effect plotting of this show. There are flash forward intros, but the plot marches on from roughly day to day as Walt builds the empire.

the only thing I see wrong with "When we pick up in the second half of the season, I think the one year time skip will have taken place" is that it kind of violates the cause and effect plotting of this show. There are flash forward intros, but the plot marches on from roughly day to day as Walt builds the empire.

"Todd's uncle's prison connections". Good point! Missed that. Thanks.

"Todd's uncle's prison connections". Good point! Missed that. Thanks.

I think Walt said that Declan will get more yield with a 99% purity, even minus Walt's cut. Something like $130 mil. That's a lot of cheddar.

I think Walt said that Declan will get more yield with a 99% purity, even minus Walt's cut. Something like $130 mil. That's a lot of cheddar.

(still reading. I wait a few days because the first 2000 comments are always the same shit about Walt being a bad person, etc. boring.)

(still reading. I wait a few days because the first 2000 comments are always the same shit about Walt being a bad person, etc. boring.)

