Science Fiction Double Feature

Well, if I didn't hate Zune before I certainly do now. Fundamentalist upbringing knee-jerk reaction.

A Horse of a Different Color?

Blues Brother 2000 was a back-alley abortion of fetal-alchool abuse CHUd baby.

King Bastard, Melissa, aren't the two of you embarrassed that you wore the same thing to the boards?

I think just carrying almost any gun is "iron"ic.

::shits loudly::

This just reaffirms by intent to see Buddy Guy again before he too drops dead.

My Thai expectations usually involve a soapy and several Heineken, but to each their own.

Wang Dang Deadle.

::drinks by himself, again, considers gun in the sock drawer::

If the Boston PD had one cop under the age of 30 that whole thing could have been avoided. They obviously need hipster cops to decipher our brave new world.

So, the one who winds up with the fork sticking out of it…is he the winner, or the loser, or what? I need toaster biology lessons in order to digest the full meaning of da melee.

Well, let's just all have us a hootenanny of fascinating repartee concerning an irrelevant comedian sticking his crotch into the face of a (quicly becoming) irrelevant rapper. Do spill with da nuggets of insight, yo.

KPAX just frustrates me because he's another guy who has tremendous ability, poured himself into a lot of shit roles to get to a place where e could do interesting parts, and then Tidy-Bowl'd a lot of what he worked for with some poor choices. I know he basically runs the Old Vic, and so what? There is a huge range of

Da vamp is a Dapper Dan man? Sleeping with a hairnet on in his coffin; sorry, forgot this is WB-style horror, he probably sleeps in something that looks a set from The Hills.

The midget wasn't albino. The giant was close, but not the midget.

Because like all longtime actors that struck it big after a relatively few specific roles, Spacey decided to do some spectacularly stupid movies—i.e., the Bobby Darin movie, the Superman-as-sexual-impotency movie, and KPAX, which lies at the crossroads of being preachy enough in the 'live 'n love 'n learn' category,

Insert "bloody gash" joke here.

Then he raped her and killed her on the way back home.

Yeah, I knew that I was typing it, but I was hoping for the longshot of no oral sex comments this early in the morning.