Science Fiction Double Feature

Benecio looks…
like he just finished the most horrifying grape jelly sammich of all time. "The jelly," he howled, "that terrible jelly…"

You're out of your element, Automated Response. Shut the fuck up.

Ah yes, Vietnam, the "unwinnable" war. The indomitable will of the Vietnamese solider and their Sino-Soviet backers made it impossible for any fighting force to have beaten them. Wotta crock of shit.

Freshen yer drink, guvnor?

I love Mingus, I really do, but I can never hear or see his name without thinking of rim jobs. God help me.

Hey, as long as your psychosis fits with your mates', let it be, let it be, let it be.

No Jazz
at all? No blues, or bluegrass? No Johnny Cash, or James Brown? No Marvel or EC comics? No 'On The Road'? Patsy Cline?



Artie has a sex tape? Srsly? I need to see this, toot-sweet.

Way to kill the thread, phodreaw. What a prick.

Did someone actually mention John Travolta's marriage as an example of what a committed relationship should be like? Rilly? I guess they think MJ was really in love with that nurse, too. Or that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes don't hiss at each other every time they make eye contact.

You've obviously got the Dim Mak of mental powers. Pleeze start wondering if Lindsay Lohan is alive; alternatively, wonder if big-tittied women are gonna start falling from the sky.

The future sucks…

The "fresh" was subtle, but slow on the draw.

The mane thing is to remember how shoddy both their careers are, saddled as they are by public image problems. Julia has been horned into the early-40's broodmare mother roles lately, while Sarah is nothing more than a bit player.

No one has; that's why he doesn't rate as a villain.

Well, see, you're the *smart half*. I was talking about these other people, baby. You know I love you. That's why it hurts me to hit you so often. I do it because I care so much, all that love gets out through my fist.

Or a bunch of hipsters wheeze their way through aural blogging of pop culture detritus.

I just feel the need to point out the earnest joy that dude has in straight rockin' the denim jacket. With matching faded jeans, too! Man, in any suburban club in 1992, he would stone cold suckin' some titties by rocking that fly gear.