The Tufted Ears of an Ocelot

I agree with everything in your comment. I just wanted to add that the Ben Show is not funny. No matter, neither will be renewed.

What about when one of the Germans referred to the German version of The Nanny and called her "Franlein"? I thought that was a fine, fine joke.

We have a message for you, Ms. O'Neil.

Easily my hardest laugh of the episode, just in front of the AT-AT reference.

I actually kind of enjoyed Lunatics, but maybe my expectations were lower. And it did start to fall off in the final third. I'm sad his novels post-Big Trouble have fallen off. I thoroughly enjoyed Big Trouble.

I think this show is the (good? He's the) best because it's the only show where I've twice laughed out loud at a grown man slightly stumbling on a crack in the sidewalk. Or did they do it more than twice? I laughed out loud each time.

I would definitely give this show a shot. It's my favorite of the four that I've seen (CH, NTSF, BL, and Newsreaders).

I will fight you, sir.
(looks around)
Oh, someone shot him.

(puts arm around @twitter-20572493:disqus ), I saw it.

I probably shouldn't have laughed as much as I did at that.

Yeah… that was nice. Check out the S3 outtake of her chewing paper if you want another treat!

hmm… I think that's the pool episode maybe? And that is a great scene.

I really enjoyed the first few levels, then it became a slog. Maybe my expectations were too high and maybe I should have just played on normal. But the levels started to become more "work" than "play" and the random save points (with previously killed guys respawning) made it even worse.

I really enjoyed the first few levels, then it became a slog. Maybe my expectations were too high and maybe I should have just played on normal. But the levels started to become more "work" than "play" and the random save points (with previously killed guys respawning) made it even worse.

I have enjoyed it I don't mean ironically. I'm not watching it out of hopeful frustration like Revolution nor giddy excitement like Justified. It's "enjoyable enough." Also, Natalie Zea.

You've blown me.

Holy crap that tripping thing was fantastic.

I think you can find flaws in it, but claiming the execution to be LOSTian is grossly unfair. However, you and I have a difference of a opinion and I think no less of you because of it (sends Grim Fandango a white tulip).

Yeah, that really caught me off guard. Got a bit of a lump in my throat (which fortunately did not end up being a giant slug trying to crawl out).

Yeah, I really wish I was sharing this with someone. I've texted two friends of mine who have seen some of the show simply to tell them to taste the sad.