The Tufted Ears of an Ocelot

"Because it's cool." Best line of the series?

After this season, they'll have very little (if any) leagues of interest other than the Champions and Europa leagues. beIN has Spain, Italy, France, and the Championship. NBC will have the Prem next season. All that's left is the Bundesliga and maybe the Eredivisie, neither of which will draw enough to sustain a cable

I'll always like this comment, even if it's shoehorned.

Looks like someone hasn't seen McGee and Me…

Looks like someone hasn't seen McGee and Me…

"Energy independence" and "maybe let's not give Middle Eastern countries all our money/let's take away their power (or at least these two ideas, actual import numbers notwithstanding)" get conflated. I think what most conservatives actually mean when they say "energy independent" is that they would like to have

"Energy independence" and "maybe let's not give Middle Eastern countries all our money/let's take away their power (or at least these two ideas, actual import numbers notwithstanding)" get conflated. I think what most conservatives actually mean when they say "energy independent" is that they would like to have

I thought this was the best season (or, I guess, half season) of the last 2-3. It seemed like there were some (for BN) real consequences.

I thought this was the best season (or, I guess, half season) of the last 2-3. It seemed like there were some (for BN) real consequences.

Really? No one else has done this yet? Is it because it's so obvious that only someone uncool would put this? (sigh)

Really? No one else has done this yet? Is it because it's so obvious that only someone uncool would put this? (sigh)

It's really sad how I feel the same way. I can't say I have much desire to watch it again. Alas, I'll always have Batman Begins, Batman Begins 2, and The Animated Series.

It's really sad how I feel the same way. I can't say I have much desire to watch it again. Alas, I'll always have Batman Begins, Batman Begins 2, and The Animated Series.

Seriously though, who cares? Who cares?

Seriously though, who cares? Who cares?

You know what album I find I enjoy more and more with each playthrough? Master of Puppets.

You know what album I find I enjoy more and more with each playthrough? Master of Puppets.

Perhaps a zoning issue comes up in the near future?

Perhaps a zoning issue comes up in the near future?

I introduced a roommate to this show and, therefore, I'm getting to watch the entire series. It's such a tightly and well written show. I'm kind of dreading rewatching the first part of the fourth season, however. Soo many pedo jokes.